Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Chayei Sarah Nov 22, 2019

"And Sarah lived one hundred years, twenty years and seven years; these are the years of Sarah's life” (Breisheet 23:1). A famous…

Vayeira Nov 15, 2019

One of the fundamental issues of debate amongst observant Jews regards the degree of openness with which one meets the surrounding culture. Should we…

Lech Lecha Nov 8, 2019

Our rabbis famously debate the righteousness of Noach. Was he a tzadik only relative to the corrupt society in which he lived, or was his…

Noach Nov 1, 2019

For years, psychologists have debated the impact of the environment (nurture) on the development of human beings. Can we be inherently changed by…

Breisheet Oct 25, 2019

The holidays of Tishrei—with their emphasis on sin, repentance, reconciliation, and joy—are behind us. It is time to get back to our “normal”…

V'zot HaBracha Oct 20, 2019

When writing a book, a good author will introduce the major themes of the book in the opening chapters, develop these and other secondary themes…

Vayelech Oct 3, 2019

"Now, write for yourselves this song and teach it to the Israelites, so that this song will be a witness for the Israelites" (Devarim…

Nitzavim Sep 27, 2019

"You are standing this day all of you before the Lord your God: your heads, your tribes, your elders, and your officers, all the men of Israel…

Ki Tavo Sep 20, 2019

One of the key aspects of our being created in the Divine image is the gift of speech. As the world was created with ten Divine utterances (Avot 5:1…

Ki Teitzei Sep 13, 2019

Until modern times, travel was viewed as something best avoided. It was slow, uncomfortable, and often quite dangerous. Our rabbis even instituted a…

Shoftim Sep 6, 2019

The basic duty of every government is to provide security and protect its citizens from both internal criminal activity and external enemies. Parshat…

Re'eh Aug 30, 2019

It is difficult to feel two contradictory emotions at the same time. Conflicting, if not contradictory, emotions such as joy and sadness,…

Eikev Aug 23, 2019

"According to the days that you spent exploring the land, forty days, a year for a day, you shall carry your sin and you will know My actions…

Va'etchanan Aug 16, 2019

Our Torah encompasses all aspects of life: it regulates our existence from the day we are born until the day we die, and from the moment we awake…

Devarim Aug 9, 2019

With old age comes knowledge of life that can only be gained by experience. Thus, Jewish law insists that all elders, even non-observant or non-…

Mattot Aug 1, 2019

The centrality of the land of Israel is a basic tenet of Jewish thought. Our Sages note that mitzvot performed outside the land of Israel are little…

Balak Jul 19, 2019

Bilaam, the heathen prophet, recognized that the strength of the Jewish people was in their high level of modesty. “How goodly are your tents,…

Chukat Jul 12, 2019

Judaism is a religion that celebrates life. "Better one hour of repentance and good deeds in this world than the entire life of the world to…

Korach Jul 5, 2019

It is in times of crisis that effective leadership is most important—and the years spent wandering in the desert represented the first major…

Shelach Lecha Jun 28, 2019

How can two people witness the exact same events and yet offer two distinct and different reports? This question is one that jumps out as we examine…

Naso Jun 14, 2019

A Jew is commanded to recite one hundred blessings each and every day (Menachot 43b). We need constant reminders to ensure that we recognize the…

Bamidbar Jun 7, 2019

Sefer Bamidbar opens with names and numbers, a theme that continues throughout the book; hence its name, Chumash Pekudim, the book of counting.…

Bechukotai May 31, 2019

Twice a year, before Shavuot and Rosh Hashana, we read the tochecha, the list of dire consequences that will, G-d forbid, befall the Jewish…

Behar May 24, 2019

The Torah was wary of the employer-employee relationship. Almost by definition, an employee is not much different than a slave; both are told what to…