Speaker Profile Rabbi Shlomo Gemara

Rabbi Shlomo Gemara is Vice-Principal at TanenbaumCHAT, the largest Community High School in North America, serving over 1,200 students. Rabbi Gemara was introduced to teaching at a young age when, as a Grade 9 student during the Yom Kippur War of 1973 and due to a shortage of teachers, he and some friends were asked to teach Grade 3 and 4 children. The interaction with students and the feeling that he was making a difference were more compelling than he expected. "I actually fell in love with teaching, and it was quite clear to me that this is what I would like to do in the future."

A native of Petach Tikva, Rabbi Gemara served in the parachute unit of Yeshivat Hesder. He then obtained smicha from Kerem B'Yavneh, under the Chief Rabbanut of Israel. He was very involved in the Bnei Akiva movement in Israel.

Rabbi Gemara has lived in Toronto since 1993, and was Rosh Yeshiva at B'nei Akiva schools until 2011. He believes in the importance of excellence in Jewish and General Studies. A clear vision of Judaism and Torah is necessary to direct life and has philosophical and religious importance for Medinat Yisrael in the process of Geula (Redemption) that we begin to see in our days.

Speaker's Resources

e-TIM: Parshat HaShavuah 5784 with Weekly Guest Speakers

Becky Friedman, Devora Chait-Roth, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Leah Silver, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Noah Notis, Professor Yitzhak Berger, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Asher Finkelstein, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi David Fine, Rabbi David Harbater, Rabbi David Nachbar, Rabbi Dr. Ezra Frazer, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Elliot Schrier, Rabbi Eric Grossman, Rabbi Jared Anstandig, Rabbi Judah Kerbel, Rabbi Mark Glass, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Sam Berkovitz, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Yaakov Taubes, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Ruth Shane, Sarah Gordon, Sofia Freudenstein, Susan Hornstein, Yosef Lindell, Zissy Turner

e-TiM: Parshat Hashavuah 5783 with weekly guest speakers

Becky Friedman, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Leah Silver, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Ely Grundland, Rabbi David Fine, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Gedalyah Berger, Rabbi Hyim Shafner, Rabbi Jared Anstandig, Rabbi Judah Kerbel, Rabbi Mark Glass, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Wes Kalmar, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Ruth Shane, Sarah Gordon, Sofia Freudenstein, Zissy Turner

e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker

Avi Siegal, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Nechama Price, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Leah Silver, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Miriam Krupka, Neti Linzer, Noah Notis, Professor Shoshana Schechter, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Blackman, Rabbi David Nachbar, Rabbi Eitan Aviner, Rabbi Gedalyah Berger, Rabbi Jared Anstandig, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Rabbi Maury Kelman, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Noah Sonenberg, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rachel Slutsky, Rifki Freundlich, Shalhevet Schwartz, Shira Hecht-Koller, Zissy Turner

e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker

Atara Kelman, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Nechama Price, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Miriam Gedwiser, Professor Shoshana Schechter, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Blackman, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer, Rabbi Eitan Aviner, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Rabbi Michael Whitman, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Noah Cheses, Rabbi Sam Berkovitz, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Ya'akov Trump, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Yosie Levine, Rachel Slutsky, Rifki Freundlich, Shira Hecht-Koller, Zissy Turner

Tisha B'Av Program 2018

Rabbi Ari Perl, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Jesse Shore, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara

The People and the Book 2017

Dr. Elliott Malamet, Dr. James A. Diamond, Ora Ziring, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Rav Yosef Carmel

Rav Yochanan ben Zakkai

Rabbi Shlomo Gemara

Tisha B'Av 2015

Rabbi Dr. Gil S. Perl, Rabbi Rafi Lipner, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Yechiel Goldreich, Sarah Cheses

The People and the Book: 7th Annual Conference on Tanach

Dr. Ruth Walfish, Rabbanit Gilla Rosen, Rabbi Bar-on Dasberg, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Dr. Avraham Walfish, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara