Dr. Miriam Feldmann Kaye, is a Lecturer in Modern Jewish Philosophy at Bar Ilan University, and Associate Professor at Jewish Theological Seminary, New York and a Fellow at the Van Leer Institute Polonsky Library. She is also Academic Editor of the new ‘Encyclopaedia of Jewish Theology’ at St Andrews University. Dr Feldmann Kaye’s fields of research are modern and contemporary Jewish philosophy, continental theology, philosophy of religion specifically the schools of thought of Existentialism, deconstructionism and hermeneutics, the Study of Religions and interreligious theology. Feldmann Kaye is a recipient of the University of Cambridge Theological Studies Prize, and holds a BA from Cambridge University, Faculty of Divinity. She gained her MA from the University of London, and her PhD in Jewish Thought from the University of Haifa. She completed a Lady Davis Post-Doctoral Fellowship, and a Truman Research Institute Associate Fellowship both at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Until recently, Feldmann Kaye served as the co-founding director of the Faith and Belief Forum Middle East. She was listed in the 'Top 70 Brits Shaping the Modern State of Israel' by the Jewish News.

Speaker's Resources
11. Judaism and Postmodernism | Dr. Miriam Feldmann-Kaye
Dr. Miriam Feldmann Kaye, J.J. Kimche