Speaker Profile Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz

Rabbi Chaim Steinmetz has been the spiritual leader of Tifereth Beth David Jerusalem in Montreal , Quebec , since September 1996. He writes a regular column for the Canadian Jewish News (Several of these articles can be found on the Internet at: www.cjnews.com or at Rabbi Steinmetz' website www.chaimsteinmetz.blogspot.com ). Rabbi Steinmetz is the Past President of the Montreal Board of Rabbis , Past Vice President of the Quebec Region of the Canadian Jewish Congress, a member of the executive of Quebec Israel Committee (QIC). He is a member of the board of the Federation/CJA of Montreal and Hillel-Jewish Students Center of Montreal. He was the chair of the 2004 Federation/CJA Young Leadership Campaign and was the co-chair of the Synagogue division of the 1998-1999 and 1999-2000 Federation/CJA campaign and co-chair of Super Sunday 2000. He was the recipient of the Federation/CJA's 2001 Gertrude and Henry Plotnick Young Leadership Award. He is a member of the executive board of the Rabbinical Council of America , and a member of the Rabbinic Executive of the Kollel Torah MiTzion . He received his ordination from Yeshiva University , where he was a fellow of the elite Gruss Kollel Elyon . He has a M.A. in Jewish Philosophy from the Bernard Revel Graduate School , and a M.A. in Education from Adelphi University . He has completed Leadership Education and Development (L.E.A.D.) and Meorot Rabbinic fellowships.

He is married to Lisa Schwartz, and they have 4 children, Akiva, Hillel, Eitan and Ilana.