Summer is the time for vacation, especially for students who look forward to such activities as camp, sleep, travel, and plain old fun. School…

It Costs Too Much to Convert
There has been much written – including a cover story in this newspaper (Canadian Jewish News) two weeks ago – regarding the placing of…

Fiscal Responsibility
What is it about leaders that so many of them seem to be embroiled in ethical controversy? We in Ontario have a gas-plant scandal that won’t go…

The Four Questions of Jewish Education
I write these words just days before Pesach, the holiday that, more than any other, focuses on children. We are mandated to ensure that every child…

Pushing the Door on Tuition Wide Open
Between the time of my writing my last article on making Jewish high school free and its appearance in the paper, I was thrilled to see the…

Let's Make Jewish High School Free
The recently released Pew report on American Jewry has generated anguished discussion on the future of American Jewry. Some of its key findings…

Day School Tuition Is In the News, with the Canadian Jewish News Reporting on Two Recent Initiatives
Once again, the issue of day school tuition is in the news. The Leo Baeck Day School (North Campus) has announced plans for grants up to $5,000 per…

Election Fever
Once again we are in the midst of election fever. The upcoming (recently past when this is read) US election is one with two distinct visions for…

Tax Evasion
No one likes to pay taxes. Yet taxes are the lifeblood of our society, paying for our security, health, public education and the thousands of other…

Dead Foundation Money
Bank of Canada governor Mark Carney recently called on Canadian corporations to start spending the over 500 billion dollars of cash, “dead…

Going Out of Business
In the past few months three long time Jewish establishments, who combined have served the community for close to 150 years have closed down. The…

A Jewish Education
No article I have written has received the response that my recent article, in which I demonstrated how tuition fees can substantially and easily be…

Corporate Golddiggers
Rarely has an op-ed piece ( generated as much discussion as Greg Smith’…

Yom Yerushalayim
“And to the city of Jerusalem I will return in mercy”. We waited for close to 1,900 years to regain sovereignty over G-d’s chosen land. It took…

Tuition and Foundations
As summer approaches, day school parents will soon be getting notifications regarding tuition fees for next year. Undoubtedly, fees will—as they do…

Turning Down Jim's Donation
“Poor” Jim Balsillie. Over the past year or so he has watched as the company he led and grew into an international success story has made misstep…

The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation would like to add a casino in Toronto and make lottery tickets and slot machines more readily available,…

Otta van Bismark, 19th century Chancellor of Germany, in introducing a social insurance program, set the rather arbitrary age of retirement of 65.…