Speaker Profile Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

Laurie Novick is Director and Head Writer of Deracheha: womenandmitzvot.org, a project of Yeshivat Har Etzion in partnership with the Stella K. Abraham Beit Midrash for Women (Migdal Oz) and the Israel Koschitzky Virtual Beit Midrash. Laurie has worked as a Yoetzet Halacha for over twenty years, chiefly as a Senior Responder for yoatzot.org.

Laurie is also certified as a Fertility Counselor and as a Sharsheret Breast Cancer Educator, guiding women on the intersection of health and halacha. Laurie also taught at Nishmat for many years.

Laurie has masters degrees in Talmud from Bar Ilan University, and in Bible and Jewish Education from YU, as well as a BA from Yale and has done additional graduate work in Counselling. 



Speaker's Resources

Haggadah Yom Iyyun 5785: The Four Children

Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

e-TiM: Haggadah Yom Iyyun

Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Zvi Grumet, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick, Yoetzet Halacha Stacey Nechama Goldman

e-TiM: Tisha B'Av 5784

Dr. Naomi Seidman, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Rabbi Adam Mintz, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Dr. Gil S. Perl, Rabbi Yosie Levine, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick, Yosef Lindell

The Whole Megilla, Twice?

Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

e-TiM: Purim Yom Iyyun

Professor Yitzhak Berger, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Hayyim Angel, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rachel Sharansky Danziger, Yoetzet Halacha Adina Blaustein, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

e-TiM: Rosh Hashanah Yom Iyyun - A Day of Learning to Prepare for Rosh Hashana

Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, Dr. Tova Ganzel, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Sara Schatz, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

e-TiM: 2023 Pesach Learning Series

Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Dr. Aaron Adler, Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Yamin Goldsmith, Rav Yosef Zvi Rimon, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick, Yosef Lindell

Examining the Impact of Covid on the Mental Health of the Jewish Family

Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbi Shlomo Weissmann, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick