Rabbi Chaim Rapoport, born in Manchester, England, attended the Yeshivot of Manchester, Gateshead, Torat Emet in Jerusalem and the central Lubavitch Yeshivah in New York. He is the author of the widely acclaimed 2004 book Judaism and Homosexuality: An Authentic Orthodox View. He has been the rav of synagogues in Birmingham and Ilford and was amember of the Chief Rabbi’s cabinet and advisor to then Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks on issues of medical ethics. Rabbi Rapoport is consulted globally on issues related to Orthodoxy and LGBT. In 2005, Rabbi Rapoport established 'Machon Mayim Chaim', an institution through which he promotes Jewish learning and disseminates his own teachings and perspectives on a broad range of subjects.
Speaker's Resources
The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy
Carol Seidman, Dr. Elliott Malamet, Dr. Marshall Korenblum, Rabbi Chaim Rapoport, Rabbi Steven Greenberg, Yeshaya Grossman
The LGBT Community and Orthodoxy
Carol Seidman, Dr. Elliott Malamet, Dr. Marshall Korenblum, Rabbi Chaim Rapoport, Rabbi Steven Greenberg, Yeshaya Grossman
Separation Anxiety: Surgery on Conjoined Twins (Siamese Twins) Thursday, March 31st, 2005
Dr. Rachel Spitzer, Rabbi Chaim Rapoport