Yosef was a most charismatic person. He was young, attractive and as the Torah tells us on three occasions, he was an ish mazleach, a successful…

Mikeitz: Food and Famine
One of the central motifs of the biblical narrative is food. Matzah, manna, mei merivah highlight the crucial role of food in shaping…

Mikeitz: The Storyline
Everybody likes a good story. This obvious truism explains why most of us find the book of Breisheet more interesting than the book of Vayikra, with…

Mikeitz: Family First
Judaism has always maintained that a strong family life is the most important ingredient to create and sustain a person of character and integrity.…

Mikeitz: Home Sweet Home
That one has a natural love for one's place of birth is a truism long recognized by our Talmudic sages. Emigration is never an easy prospect,…

Mikeitz: In G-d We Trust
How unfortunate when man must put his fate in the hands of other men. “And the warden had placed all the prisoners in the dungeon under Yosef…

Mikeitz: Counting on Charisma
Yosef was a most charismatic figure. How else to explain the appeal he had to so many people? The Torah wastes little time in telling us that, both…