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Ki Teizei: Put it in Context

When trying to properly understand something context is crucial. Torah is no different. A proper…

Shoftim: It is Your Responsibility

“Then all the elders of the town nearest to the corpse shall wash their hands over the heifer whose…

Re'eh: Conflicting Emotions

It is difficult to feel two contradictory emotions at the same time. Conflicting, if not …

Eikev: Thank You!

We all like to take credit for success, but failure we tend to blame on others. Such is human…

Va'etchanan: A Smart Torah

What is the role of the Jewish people? To give some insight to this most complex question we must…

Tisha B'Av: Avoiding a Recession

When we think of Tisha B’Av many images enter our mind – this year sadly more than in the past.…

Devarim: Straight Talk

Some of the most stirring and beautiful Biblical words – or any words – are those spoken by the…

Mattot: To Speak or Not to Speak

“In ten utterances did G-d create the world” (Avot 5:1). It is thus not surprising that…

Pinchas: Three Types of Leaders

Parshat Pinchas presents us with at least three distinct models of leadership.

From Bratislava to Nikolsburg

The relationship between modernity and Judaism is perhaps the central question that Jews have…

Balak: Hope over Dispair

As I noted in my last post I had the honour of speaking at the Beit Yehudah  synagogue in Budapest…

Shabbat in Budapest

Kazinczy, Dohany, Rumbach. For the average Hungarian these are street names in the heart of…

Thoughts From Budapest: Past, Present, and Future

Jews first settled in Hungary in the 13th century, settling mainly in the city of Buda. In 1526 the…

Torah in Toledo

The city of Toledo sits some 75 kilometres to the south of Madrid, the capital of Spain. It is a…

The Expulsion

If 1148 marks the end of the Golden Age of Spain, the beginning of the end of Spanish Jewry as a…

Chukat: From One Generation to the Next

The transition point from the generation that left Egypt to the one that entered the Land of Israel…

Some Thoughts From Spain

Jews lived in Spain for a very, very long time, possibly from as early as Biblical times. The first…

Korach: A Beautiful Tallit

Tzizit and Mezuzah are two of the most popular and easy to fulfil mitzvot. Thankfully, even Jews…