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Jerusalem's History and Places - Part II: The New City
Shulie Mishkin
Mondays, 1:15pm Eastern, 8:15pm Israel
February 20 - March 27 (No Class March 6)
Click here to check out Part I of this series.
What is the story of the neighborhoods beyond the…
One could quite reasonably make the argument that the overarching goal of the Torah is the establishment of a Jewish state that will serve as a model for the world. A nation that demonstrates that one based on the most exacting of ethical standards…
The Jewish nation waited for close to 1,900 years to regain sovereignty over G-d’s chosen land. It took an additional 19 years until sovereignty was established “in the place that I will choose to place My name” (Devarim 12:11).…
"Ten miracles were performed for our ancestors in the Beit Hamikdash...and no one ever said to his fellow, 'the place is too cramped for me to sleep in Jerusalem'" (Avot 5:7).
Jerusalem was a very small city, populated primarily by priests working…