Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Tazria Apr 5, 2019

The first of Nissan and the first of Tishrei mark the beginnings of the Jewish year. The solar aspect of our calendar—representing the fixed…

Shemini Mar 29, 2019

When tragedy strikes there is a tendency to search for some rational explanation as we subsequently attempt to find meaning and a degree of comfort,…

Shemini Mar 26, 2019

“Moshe then inquired, darosh darash, about the goat of the sin offering, and it had been burned” (Vayikra 10:16). Judaism has always…

Tzav Mar 22, 2019

Excitement and consistency: We tend to view these terms as contradictory. Man gets excited over discovering new things and views variety as the spice…

Vayakhel Mar 1, 2019

“The laws of Shabbat…are like a mountain being held up by a thread” (Chagigah 10a). Shabbat is the pivot around which Jewish life…

Ki Tisa Feb 22, 2019

“G-d declared to Moshe, Go down [from the mountain] for the people whom you brought out of Egypt have become corrupt” (Shemot 32:7…

Terumah Feb 7, 2019

Symbols play a crucial role in self and group identification and affect almost everything we do. Be they roses or a diamond ring, symbols can…

Mishpatim Feb 1, 2019

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot” (Shemot 21:24). Perhaps no Biblical verse has generated as…

Yitro Jan 24, 2019

Vayedaber Hashem el Moshe lei'mor is the most commonly occurring verse of the Bible. While it is usually translated as, “G-d spoke to…

Vaera Jan 4, 2019

The initial meeting between Moshe and Pharaoh did not go well. The workload placed on the poor Jewish slaves was increased, and more importantly, the…

Vayeshev Nov 30, 2018

“And Yaakov ripped his garments and put sackcloth on his loins, and he mourned for his son many days” (Breisheet 37:34). Thinking—…

Vayishlach Nov 23, 2018

“Therefore, the Jewish people will not eat the gid hanasheh, sciatic nerve, that is on the hip joint, to this day” (Breisheet…

Toldot Nov 9, 2018

“And there was a famine in the land, aside from the first famine that was in the days of Avraham...And G-d appeared to him [Yitzchak] and said…

Vayeira Oct 26, 2018

“And the people of Sedom were evil and sinners towards G-d beyond all measure” (Breisheet 13:13). Despite their depravity, Avraham Avinu…

Lech Lecha Oct 19, 2018

"And there was an argument between the herdsmen of Abram's livestock and the herdsmen of Lot's livestock, and the Canaanite and the…

V'zot HaBracha Sep 30, 2018

Even though Parshat Vezot Ha'beracha is read over and over again during Simchat Torah it is probably one of the least understood and studied…

Haazinu Sep 21, 2018

Jewish thought teaches that the physical and spiritual worlds are meant to function harmoniously. Both are essential, and a proper balance must be…

Nitzavim Sep 6, 2018

One of the most vexing issues in Biblical interpretation is the relationship between pshat, loosely translated as the plain meaning of the Biblical…

Ki Tavo Aug 30, 2018

In the secular world in which we live it can be—and often is—hard to feel the presence of G-d. The Western world has turned religion into…

Ki Teitzei Aug 22, 2018

When studying Torah we must study not only its content, but also its form; not just what the Torah says, but also how it says it. Proper study…

Shoftim Aug 17, 2018

Evil does not exist in a vacuum. A culture is needed for evil to be nurtured, in which it can grow and develop. And when that happens,…

Re'eh Aug 10, 2018

“Guard the month of the spring, and make Pesach to the Lord your G-d, because it was in the month of the spring that the Lord your G-d took you out…

Mattot Jul 13, 2018

“In ten utterances did G-d create the world” (Avot 5:1). It is thus not surprising that many see man’s ability to speak as the…

Chukat Jun 22, 2018

Parshat Chukat marks the transition from the generation that left Egypt to the one that would enter the Land of Israel. This was a transition marked…