Embark on a journey of Jewish learning and discovery, exploring the depth of our Talmud Bavli resources, where tagged items including audio, programs, and podcast episodes await your exploration.
Shulie Mishkin
Thursdays at 12:00 PM Eastern/7:00 PM Israel TimeJanuary 16 - February 27, 2025 (6 classes, no class on February 20)
What was life like in the time of the Mishnah and the Gemara? How were the experiences different? Join Shulie…
This series of classes is sponsored by Marla and Jack Samuel in honour of two beloved and missed members of the Toronto community: Yitz (Isaac) Kurtz z”l and Isaac Hollander z”l.
Both were gentle, kind, extremely accomplished Talmidei…
An Introduction to the 613 Mitzvot
Rabbi Jay Kelman
Friday, June 30 - 1:00pm Eastern
This class is taking place today in place of Rabbi Kelman's shiur on the Siddur.
How to Study Aggada
Rabbi Yitzchak Blau
Wednesdays, July 12 to August 9 - 10:00am Eastern, 5:00pm Israel
(Please note that there will be NO CLASS on Erev Tisha B'Av, Wednesday, July 26.)
The Aggada, or non-legal sections of the Talmud, has…
The Origins of the Oral Torah
Yosef Lindell
Mondays 12:00 pm
May 1 - 22
It is a fundamental tenet of Orthodox Jewish belief that we received two Torot at Sinai - one written and one oral - but what do we mean when we say that the Oral…