Speaker Profile Rabbi Effie Kleinberg

Rabbi Ephraim Kleinberg is the Director of Educational Technology and Religious Growth at Bnei Akiva Schools of Toronto. He teaches Talmud, Tanakh, and Jewish Thought as well as supporting and training teachers in the integration of technology in their classrooms. Rabbi Kleinberg and his wife serve as OU-JLIC Educators at Toronto-area universities and host events for the Jewish young professional community in South Toronto. Rabbi Kleinberg is currently completing his EdD in the area of Educational Technology in the Judaic Studies Classroom at Yeshiva University. Previously, Rabbi Kleinberg held teaching positions at the Ramaz School and at SAR High School.

Speaker's Resources

Aug 14, 2017

Tisha B'Av 2017

Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Chaim Strauchler, Rabbi Effie Kleinberg, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Zev Spitz
Jul 23, 2017