Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Nitzavim Sep 15, 2017

One often hears the lament that it is difficult to be a Jew. There are seemingly endless demands from morning to evening, 365 days a year, year in…

Ki Tavo Sep 8, 2017

"And now, behold, I have brought the first fruits of the land which You have given me" (Devarim 26:10). The Israeli farmer was to…

Ki Teitzei Sep 1, 2017

A legal brief and a good story are two very different forms of writing. We have even coined a term, legalese, to describe the distinct writing…

Re'eh Aug 18, 2017

The land of Israel is a special, holy land and thus, all produce grown on it has properties of holiness. This is the underpinning of such laws of…

Va'etchanan Aug 4, 2017

“At that time I pleaded with G-d, saying, ‘O G-d, Lord…please let me cross the Jordan. Let me see the good land across the Jordan…

Devarim Jul 28, 2017

The narrative portion of the Torah has come to an end. The last book of the Chumash, that of Devarim, concentrates on the charge that…

Massei Jul 21, 2017

“And the Egyptians were burying all their first born, who had been killed by G-d” (Bamidbar 33:4).   Occupied with grief and…

Pinchas Jul 14, 2017

"And they called the people to their religious sacrifices, and the people ate and worshipped the Moabite gods" (Bamidbar 25:2).  How…

Chukat Jun 30, 2017

It is truly astounding how people can actually believe the most ludicrous of claims.  “And Moshe divested Aharon of his vestments, and…

Behaalotecha Jun 9, 2017

"The Israelites marched for a three day journey “mei'har Hashem”, from G-d's mountain (Bamidbar 10:33). The Torah has been…

Naso Jun 2, 2017

A fundamental question that has been debated since the beginning of Jewish history regards the degree of contact and integration one should have with…

Bamidbar May 26, 2017

Sefer Bamidbar can be viewed as a book of missed opportunities. A small group of Jewish slaves—the midrash claims no more than one in five—showed…

Bechukotai May 18, 2017

The Jewish people have never been a large nation. Our strength lies in quality, not quantity. Nonetheless, precisely because we are so few in number…

Emor May 12, 2017

Judaism measures greatness by spiritual achievements. It should come as no surprise that many of our founding fathers suffered from physical ailments…

Tzav Apr 7, 2017

Our tradition seems to have a somewhat ambivalent view regarding sacrifices. The Torah devotes many chapters to describing—in great detail…

Vayikra Mar 31, 2017

Sefer Vayikra serves as the “central” book of the Chumash; on one side flanked by Breisheet and Shemot, which detail the founding of the…

Terumah Mar 3, 2017

The prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel recited in many of our congregations assumes that the modern-day state is the "beginning of…

Yitro Feb 17, 2017

“Moses went to greet his father-in-law, bowing down low and kissing him” (Shemot 18:7). Unfortunately, relations between children…

Bo Feb 3, 2017

The land of Egypt and the people of Egypt had undergone tremendous hardship and suffering.  Their  economy  had  been  destroyed, their material…

Vaera Jan 27, 2017

The story of the slavery and subsequent redemption of the Jewish people focuses almost entirely on Moshe, Aharon and Pharaoh. Strangely, the thoughts…

Vayigash Jan 6, 2017

“And you shall surely know that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs for 400 years” (Breisheet 15:12). The…

Miketz Dec 30, 2016

Yosef was a most charismatic figure. How else to explain the appeal he had to so many people? The Torah wastes little time in telling us that, both…

Vayeshev Dec 23, 2016

Perhaps no Biblical story fascinates us like that of Yosef and his brothers. Its twists and turns are full of drama, intrigue, tragedy, violence,…

Vayetze Dec 8, 2016

The Torah tells us nothing about the upbringing of Abraham; we do not even know the name of his mother. All we know about him is that he was the…