Rabbi Chaim Brovender is President of the ATID Foundation and Rosh Yeshiva of WebYeshiva.org, the premier fully interactive online yeshiva. He stood at the forefront of pioneering Jewish Studies programs for highly educated young men and women who come to Israel from all over the world to study in an Orthodox environment. Rabbi Brovender attended Yeshiva University before making aliya to Israel in 1965. He received his Ph.D from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in 1974. Rabbi Brovender founded Yeshivat Hamivtar for men, teaching Torah to beginners in an open, intellectual environment, and with the founding of Michlelet Bruria (today, Midreshet Lindenbaum), he revolutionized women's Torah study by introducing in-depth textual study and Talmud to women's learning.For almost 40 years, Rabbi Chaim Brovender, President of the ATID Foundation, has stood at the forefront of pioneering Jewish Studies programs for highly educated young men and women who come to Israel from all over the world to study in an Orthodox environment.
Speaker's Resources
Engagement and Disengagement: The Future of Religion in the Land of Israel - Panel Discussion
Rabbi Chaim Brovender, Rabbi Dr. Adam S Ferziger, Rabbi Dr. Pinchas Hayman, Rabbi Francis Nataf
The Bigger Picture: Using Art to Inspire Service of G-d in Religious Education
Rabbi Chaim Brovender