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Sefer Breisheet might be described as the book of movement. Beginning with the heavenly spheres and moving to birds, fish, animals and humans sefer Breisheet depicts much movement.
Adam and Eve were forced to leave Gan Eden, Cain was told he…
The Torah provides very little biographical information. Rather, it highlights significant events in their lives from which we can deduce and debate the lessons we the reader – to whom the Torah is addressed - are to glean. Much background…
“G-d said to Avram, go away from your county, your birthplace and your father’s home, to the land that I will show you” (Breisheet 12:1). While it is self-evident that Avraham would take his wife with him, it is not at all obvious that his…
“And G-d said to Abram, ‘Go forth from your land, your birthplace and the land of your fathers’” (Breisheet 12:1). With nary a word, Abram picks himself up and, along with his wife and nephew, departs for an unknown land. Yet his stay there is short…