"The discussions of the servants of our patriarchs are more beloved than the Torah of their children” (Rashi, Breisheet, 24:22). This enigmatic…

Chayei Sarah: A Blessed Life
Yitzchak brought [Rivka] into mother Sarah's tent and he married Rivka. She became his wife, and he loved her. Yitzchak was consoled for the loss of…

Chayei Sarah: Mr. Anonymous
Man has an innate desire to make a name for himself. The fear of being forgotten is a fear that grips us all. For many, this serves as a key stimulus…

Chayei Sara: Oposites Attract
The Torah devotes sixty-seven verses to the story of finding the proper mate for Yitzchak. There is no more important decision in life than…

Chayei Sarah: Bring Her Home
“Yitzchak then brought her [Rivka] into the tent of his mother Sarah, and he took Rivka as his wife. Yitzchak loved her, and Yitzchak found…

Chayei Sarah: In Memory of Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks zt"l
I had the honour of sharing a few words in honour of Rabbi Sacks zt"l at the moving program Mizrachi of Canada organized this week. I share my…

Chayei Sarah: Growing Old, Staying Young
"And Sarah lived one hundred years, twenty years and seven years; these are the years of Sarah's life” (Breisheet 23:1). A famous…

Chayei Sarah: Mourning for Mother
"And Abraham said to his servant of the household. I bind you by an oath that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the…

Chayei Sarah: Coming Together
"And Abraham took another wife and her name was Keturah" (Breisheet 25:1). The Torah follows by listing the six children they had…

Chayei Sarah: Like Mom and Dad
“And Yitzchak brought her to the tent of his mother; and he took Rivka, and she was for him a wife, and he loved her; and Yitzchak was consoled…

Chayei Sarah: Moving to Hebron
This week's dvar torah is being sponsored by Nolene and David Maresky and family in memory of Rina and Shim Maresky, and Jack Epstein z"l.…

Chayei Sarah: Beyond Death
Our patriarchs and matriarchs did not have easy lives. Each faced problems of famine, of wandering from place to place, of foreign rulers, and of…