Speaker Profile Rabbi Shaul Robinson

Rabbi Shaul Robinson took up the position of Senior Rabbi at Lincoln Square Synagogue on September 1, 2005. Rabbi Robinson was born in Glasgow, Scotland, in 1967 and earned a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree in Economics and Political Science at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. He was also awarded a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) with Distinction from the University of Nottingham, England. His MBA focused on the management of Not-for-Profit institutions and his dissertation was titled "The Working Lives of Rabbis". 

Rabbi Robinson attended Yeshivat HaMivtar and the Joseph Straus Rabbinic Seminary in Efrat for seven years where he studied under Rabbi Chaim Brovender and Rabbi Shlomo Riskin. He attained semicha from the Joseph Straus Rabbinical Seminary (part of Ohr Torah Stone). His semichas were awarded by The Chief Rabbinate of Israel, Rabbi Riskin and Rabbi Brovender, and also by Rabbi Zalman Nechemia Goldberg. He also undertook one year of professional training in Practical Rabbinics at Yad AviHaYishuv (Rothschild Foundation) in Jerusalem . 

After graduation from Strathclyde, Rabbi Robinson spent a year as the National Secretary of the Union of Jewish Students, which combined fieldwork on behalf of Jewish students with the publication and coordination of educational materials. 

Rabbi Robinson met his wife, Sarah, while in Israel and they married in 1992. Following that, he was appointed the first ever full-time Rabbi for Jewish Students at Cambridge University, England, where he and Sarah lived for 3 years with their children, Avrami and Esther. In 1997, the Robinsons moved to Barnet Synagogue, England, where he took up a part-time role and before becoming the full-time Rabbi in 1998. Over the years, the Robinsons welcomed four more daughters - Chaya in 1998, Ariela in 2000, and twins, Tova and Tehilla in 2003. During his time at Barnet, Rabbi Robinson also served as Director of the Centre for Rabbinic Development - where he set up and directed the first ever "Department for Professional Rabbinic Development" in the UK . He was also Executive Director of "Encounter" - the organization that runs the UK 's largest Orthodox Adult Education Event.

Speaker's Resources

e-TiM: Rosh Hashanah Yom Iyyun - A Day of Learning to Prepare for Rosh Hashana

Dr. Malka Z. Simkovich, Dr. Tova Ganzel, Rabbi Alex Israel, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Sara Schatz, Yoetzet Halacha Laurie Novick

e-TiM: Parshat Hashavuah 5783 with weekly guest speakers

Becky Friedman, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Leah Silver, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Ely Grundland, Rabbi David Fine, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Gedalyah Berger, Rabbi Hyim Shafner, Rabbi Jared Anstandig, Rabbi Judah Kerbel, Rabbi Mark Glass, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Wes Kalmar, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Ruth Shane, Sarah Gordon, Sofia Freudenstein, Zissy Turner

e-TiM: Parshat Hashavua 5782 with weekly guest speaker

Avi Siegal, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Nechama Price, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Tammy Jacobowitz, Leah Silver, Leora Moskowitz Orenshein, Miriam Krupka, Neti Linzer, Noah Notis, Professor Shoshana Schechter, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Aaron Greenberg, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbi Daniel Fridman, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Blackman, Rabbi David Nachbar, Rabbi Eitan Aviner, Rabbi Gedalyah Berger, Rabbi Jared Anstandig, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Rabbi Maury Kelman, Rabbi Mordechai Torczyner, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Noah Sonenberg, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Steven Gotlib, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rachel Slutsky, Rifki Freundlich, Shalhevet Schwartz, Shira Hecht-Koller, Zissy Turner

e-TiM Parshat Shavua 5781 with weekly guest speaker

Atara Kelman, Dr. Aaron Koller, Dr. Nechama Price, Dr. Rebecca Winter Gottlieb, Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Miriam Gedwiser, Professor Shoshana Schechter, Rabba Wendy Amsellem, Rabbanit Leah Sarna, Rabbi Allen Schwartz, Rabbi Aviad Tabory, Rabbi Benjamin Samuels, Rabbi Brahm Weinberg, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin, Rabbi David Blackman, Rabbi Dr. Jacob Jaffe, Rabbi Dr. Seth Grauer, Rabbi Eitan Aviner, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Joel Finkelstein, Rabbi Michael Whitman, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot, Rabbi Noah Cheses, Rabbi Sam Berkovitz, Rabbi Shaul Robinson, Rabbi Shlomo Gemara, Rabbi Ya'akov Trump, Rabbi Yechezkel Freundlich, Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom, Rabbi Yosef Adler, Rabbi Yosie Levine, Rachel Slutsky, Rifki Freundlich, Shira Hecht-Koller, Zissy Turner

Where Is Orthodoxy Headed?

Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Rabbi Dr. Marc D Angel, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbi Shaul Robinson

Where Is Orthodoxy Headed?

Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz, Rabbi Dr. Marc D Angel, Rabbi Mark Dratch, Rabbi Shaul Robinson