Speaker Profile Dr. Lindsay Simmonds

London School of Jewish Studies, UK

London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), UK


Dr Lindsay Simmonds works in Peacebuilding and Interfaith Relations, focussing on the role of women of faith in local, national and international initiatives. Most recently, Dr Lindsay Simmonds led a three-year research project on Women of Faith and Peacebuilding at the Religion and Global Society Unit at the London School of Economics (LSE). She is also a Research Fellow at the London School of Jewish Studies (LSJS) where she has lectured, written and convened courses for over 20 years, focussing on women in Biblical narrative, the Talmud and Jewish Law.

Lindsay studied for several years in seminary in Jerusalem: at Nishmat Centre for Advanced Torah Study for Women and as a Bruria Scholar at Midreshet Lindenbaum; she is also a graduate of the LSJS Susi Bradfield Women Educators’ Fellowships. Her PhD, from the Department of Gender at the LSE is entitled, ‘Generating Piety: Agency in the Lives of British Orthodox Jewish Women’ and explores the religious practices of orthodox women in the UK — she hopes to publish her findings next year.

Additionally, Lindsay is co-chair of her local Jewish-Muslim Women’s Network Nisa-Nashim, Vice-Chair of trustees for the Abraham Initiatives UK and is the Jewish Scholar-in-Residence for the Council of Christians and Jews (CCJ). She speaks regularly on peaceful shared society, interfaith relations and conflict negotiation and was recently awarded a joint honorary doctorate from Middlesex University UK, with her dear friend and colleague Julie Siddiqi MBE, for their commitment and service to interfaith and peacebuilding work in the UK.

Speaker's Resources

e-TiM: Chanukah - December 25 Yom Iyyun 2024

Dr. Lindsay Simmonds, Dr. Marc Shapiro, Rabbi Dr. Jason Weiner, Rabbi Dr. Martin Lockshin, Rabbi Dr. Moshe Miller, Rabbi Dr. Reuven Kimelman, Rabbi Dr. Zev Eleff, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring, Tamar Weissman