Parsha Thoughts | Torah In Motion

Articles Parsha Thoughts

Breisheet: The Creation of Man

"And G-d saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. It was evening and it was morning, the sixth day" (Breisheet 1:31). While the…

Haazinu: The Lessons of History

Despite our long and frequently miraculous past, the actual study of Jewish history is an oft-neglected field. It is perceived by many, to a large…

Nitzavim: What Do You Do?

Rare is the person who measures his success by looking only at themselves, trying to determine how they can build on their strengths and improve on…

Vayelech: Time for a Change

"And G-d said, 'My spirit shall not continue to judge him forever; he is nothing but flesh, and his days will be 120 years'" (Breisheet 6:3). Man had…

Ki Tavo: Year-End Readings

Observance of religious precepts is not an all-or-nothing proposition. Just because one is neglectful in one area of practice, Shabbat for example,…

Ki Teitzei: Reach for the Top

One of the beautiful aspects of the Torah is its setting of high, perhaps even unattainable, standards and goals. It takes much work to ensure we do…

Shoftim: A Beautiful Animal

“Do not sacrifice to G-d, your Lord, an ox or sheep that has a blemish; any bad thing, it is an abomination to the Lord, your G-d” (Devarim 17:1).…

Re'eh: It's Elul Time

"For the sin that we have sinned before You through hardness of the heart."  With the month of Elul approaching, our thoughts turn to…

Eikev: Missing Commandments

Had things gone according to plan, the chumash would be a much shorter book. If not for the sin of the golden calf, there would have been no need for…

VaEtchanan: An Extra And

"Shamor v’Zachor b’dibur echad". This phrase, sung every Friday night, notes the most famous difference between the recording of the aseret hadibrot …

Devarim: The Beginning of the End

"Eleh Hadevarim, these are the words that Moshe spoke to all of Israel" (Devarim 1:1). In Biblical Hebrew, the word eleh comes to differentiate and…

Mattot-Massei: The Journey Continues

The Torah is full of repetition. Whether it is law or narrative, much of the Torah seems to deal with recurring themes. Our Sages have focused on…

Pinchas: Not Fit for Leadership

“Pinchas, the son of Elazar, the son of Aaron the priest was the one who so zealously took up My cause among the Israelites, and turned My anger away…

Balak: Missed Opportunities

What a waste of talent. “No other prophet like Moses has arisen in Israel who knew G-d face to face” (Devarim 34:10).  Our Sages, in an astounding…

Chukat: It's Tough To Be A Leader

People have a natural tendency to avoid talking about death. People "pass away" or are "no longer with us". In Parshat Chukat death and its attendant…

Korach: Don't Blame Me

What does it take to convince somebody that they are wrong? Humans have an unbelievable ability to ignore the obvious as they cling to discredited…

Shelach Lecha: Blame Game

Who should get the blame for the meraglim fiasco? Was it the report of the spies, or the lack of faith of the people that did us in? Might it be…

Behaalotcha: Silence is Golden

After reading through Sefer Breisheet and the sibling rivalry we encounter in generation after generation, it is a pleasure to come to Sefer Shemot…