“What’s the bottom line” is an expression one often hears in so many areas of life. A coach maintains or loses his job based on how many wins or…

Vayechi: Joining the Covenant
The opening 11 chapters of Sefer Breisheet can be read as explaining why there was a need for a Jewish people. G-d created man in His image…

Vayechi: The Inconsistent Truth
"And they said, should they make our sister like a harlot?" (Breisheet 34:31). So ends round one of the debate between Yaakov on one side, and Shimon…

Vayechi: Family Ties
One of the recurring and unfortunate themes of the book of Breisheet is that of sibling rivalry and even hatred: Cain and Hevel, Yitzchak and…

Vayechi: 17 Plus 17
Sefer Breisheet begins with the grandeur of creation, detailing the many new life forms, and with great hope for the human race. This hope was to be…

Vayechi: Time for a Kiss
People often mistakenly think that truly righteous people are somehow different, perhaps not totally "normal". Somehow we assume that…

Vayechi: Excellence in Exile
"And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were one hundred and forty seven years" (Breisheet 47:28…

Vayechi: The First Grandchildren
“On that day Jacob blessed them saying by you shall bless [the people of] Israel saying, 'may G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe (48:20…

Vayechi: A Quiet Life Abroad
The story of Yosef begins, “and Jacob dwelled (vayeshev) in the land of his fathers, in the land of Canaan”. As the story of Joseph reaches its…

Vayechi: Dual Loyalty
"If you really want to do me a kindness... act towards me with truth and kindness and do not bury me in Egypt" (47:29). So begins Yaakov's…