Speaker Profile Dr. Norman Blumenthal

Dr. Norman Blumenthal is a licensed clinical psychologist who serves as the Director of Trauma Services for Ohel’s Zachter Family National Trauma Center and Adjunct Professor at the Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary and Ferkauf Graduate School of Psychology both of Yeshiva University. He is also private practice in Cedarhurst, New York and often consulted in the aftermath of catastrophic events and presents on numerous topics including parenting, grief, trauma, suicide, anxiety, divorce, parental alienation, as well as group psychotherapy.

Speaker's Resources

Coping and Resilience in Challenging Times: Recovering from Trauma

Dr. Danny Brom, Dr. David H. Rosmarin, Dr. David Pelcovitz, Dr. Debbie Akerman, Dr. Michal Pelcovitz Galla, Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Dr. Stuart Katz, Rabbi Doron Perez, Sherri Mandell

e-TiM: Coping and Building Resilience in Challenging Times

Dr. Danny Brom, Dr. Debbie Akerman, Dr. Jennie Goldstein, Dr. Norman Blumenthal, Eli Beer, Nechama Munk, Rabbi Doron Perez, Rabbi Dr. Ari Sytner, Rav Yoni Rosensweig

Sibling Rivalry

Dr. Norman Blumenthal