Speaker Profile Rabbi Boruch Oberlander

Rabbi Boruch Oberlander was born in New York in 1965 to Holocaust surviving parents from Hungary. After studying in Yeshivot in the U.S.A. and Israel he received his Rabbinical Ordination from the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitz in 1988. In March of 1989 he married his wife Batsheva, and in August of that year the young couple arrived as emissaries of the Lubavitcher Rebbe to Hungary. From the beginning they were active in the renaissance of Jewish life in Hungary with the establishment of a preschool, kindergarten and day-school. Rabbi Oberlander is the spiritual leader of the Vasvári Pál utcai Chabad Synagogue. He is the founder and editor of the Gut Sábesz (weekly) and Egység (monthly) magazines and published some very important Jewish books in Hungarian. Also founded the Open University of Judaic Studies. Since 1990 was teaching a course in Jewish law at Budapest ELTE Law School, and since 2007 a course in Jewish Medical ethics in
Faculty of Medicine – Semmelweis University. Since 2005 he is the President of the KERT – Rabbinical Conference of Eastern European Rabbis. In 2010 he received his PhD from the Faculty of History, University of Debrecen. In 2012 he received the one of Hungary’s highest medal, the Hungarian Order of Merit. He is a known authority of Halacha Jewish law, and is the Av Beis Din, chief of the Orthodox Rabbinate of Budapest.

Speaker's Resources

Jewish Communities Around the World (Part 4)

Dr. Marc Shapiro, Rabbi Boruch Oberlander

e-TiM: Jewish Communities Around the World

Dr. Marc Shapiro, Haim Ischakis, Rabbi Boruch Oberlander, Rabbi Daniel Askenazi, Rabbi Riccardo Di Segni, Raphael Elmaleh