Speaker Profile Dr. Miriam Goldstein

Miriam Goldstein is a professor in the Department of Arabic Language and Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. A specialist in medieval Judeo-Arabic texts, she focuses on interreligious relations in the medieval Arabic-speaking world as well as Judeo-Arabic Bible exegesis. She is author of A Judeo-Arabic Parody of the Life of Jesus: The Toledot Yeshu Helene Narrative (Tübingen, in press) and Karaite Exegesis in Medieval Jerusalem (Tübingen, 2011) and is editor of Authorship in Mediaeval Arabic and Persian Literatures (Jerusalem, 2019) andBeyond Religious Borders: Interaction and Intellectual Exchange in the Medieval Islamic World (Philadelphia, 2011), as well as numerous articles on Arabic and Judeo-Arabic literature. Her current major project is a critical edition and translation of the Judeo-Arabic commentaries of the Baghdadi Karaite scholar Ya‘qub al-Qirqisani, currently focusing on the books of Genesis and Exodus.

Speaker's Resources

4. Rabbis and Karaites | Dr. Miriam Goldstein

Dr. Miriam Goldstein, J.J. Kimche
May 18, 2023