Speaker Profile Christoph Schulte

Prof. Dr. Christoph Schulte is Professor of Philosophy and Jewish Studies at the
University of Potsdam since 2001 and for many years head of the Department of Jewish and
Religious Studies. He studied Philosophy, Jewish Studies, Theology and Journalism in Heidelberg,
Berlin and Jerusalem, did his PhD at Freie Universität Berlin 1987 and was a fellow and Visiting
Professor in Jerusalem (1989-91), Montreal (1991), Paris (1992-93), Chicago (1995), Aix-en-
Provence (1997-98), Philadelphia (2009/10), Zurich (2014), Basel (2016), Haifa (2017/2023), and
Hamburg (2020). He received the Gleim-Preis (Halberstadt 2003) and the Inklusionspreis (Potsdam
2022). His most recent book publications are Von Moses bis Moses: Der jüdische Mendelssohn
(Hannover 2020), Mendelssohn-Studien (Hannover 2023) and Zimzum: God and the Origin of
the World (Philadelphia 2023).

Speaker's Resources

23. Tzimtzum | Dr. Christoph Schulte

Christoph Schulte, J.J. Kimche
Feb 26, 2024