Speaker Profile Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth

Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth is the Rabbi of Ohel Ari Congregation in Ra'annana and the director of Beit Hillel Beit Hillel, a Modern-Orthodox spiritual leadership organization comprised of over 200 rabbanim and rabbaniyot, aspires to guide the Religious Zionist community in a religiously-tolerant direction. Rabbi Neuwirth. received a B.A. in Mathematics and computer science from the Bar Ilan University in Israel.

Speaker's Resources

Panel - Religious Zionism at the Crossroads: Religious Zionism and Halacha

Dr. Elliott Malamet, Rabbi Dr. Avi Berkowitz, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth

Religious Zionism at the Crossroads: Torah in Motion in Israel

Dr. Elliott Malamet, Dr. Moshe Koppel, Dr. Yuval Cherlow, Rabbi Dr. Avi Berkowitz, Rabbi Francis Nataf, Rabbi Rafael Feuerstein, Rabbi Ronen Neuwirth