Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Noach Nov 4, 2016

"And Lemech called him Noach saying, this one will bring us relief, yenachmeinu, from our work and the anguish of our hands, from the…

Breisheet Oct 27, 2016

The belief in one G-d is perhaps the most fundamental teaching of Judaism. Thousands have died rather than negate this central tenet of Judaism.…

Vayelech Oct 7, 2016

“Today I [Moshe] am 120 years old, and I can no longer come and go." (Devarim 31:2). After 40 years of dedicated leadership, it was time…

Shoftim Sep 9, 2016

Judaism has long understood that politics and religion are a dangerous mix. Political office was destined for those from the tribe of Judah and the…

Eikev Aug 26, 2016

The Talmud declares that wisdom depends on the ability to make distinctions. It is for this reason that havdalah, the ritual marking the end of the…

Va'etchanan Aug 19, 2016

Attempts to understand the rationale behind the mitzvoth of the Torah have generated much debate and discussion through the millennia. Many have…

Devarim Aug 12, 2016

“Eicha esa, how can I alone carry your contentiousness, your burdens and your quarrels?” (Devarim 1:12). After 40 long years, the Promised Land is…

Pinchas Jul 29, 2016

The illustrious "career" of Moshe Rabbeinu is coming to an end. G-d has told him that he will not be the one to lead the Jewish people into the land…

Balak Jul 22, 2016

"The pre-eminence of man over beast is non-existent, for all is vain" (Shacharit). Man has unfortunately proven the truth of this statement over and…

Shelach Lecha Jul 1, 2016

Parshat Shelach Lecha details a most familiar story. The tragic events surrounding the mission of the meraglim forced Bnei Yisrael to…

Behaalotecha Jun 24, 2016

It is the rare occasion when the Torah actually characterizes an individual. Rather through an analysis of the Biblical narrative, we are meant to…

Naso Jun 17, 2016

Our Torah was given to us on at least two occasions. The first revelation just weeks after the exodus was ineffectual as the people built a golden…

Behar May 27, 2016

Legal loopholes are a mainstay of the legal profession. People are often frustrated when criminals are let off the hook on a technicality, perhaps…

Vayakhel Mar 4, 2016

How important is intent in the performance of mitzvoth? Is it enough to mechanically perform the mitzvah, or is the intent to fulfill one’s…

Ki Tisa Feb 26, 2016

“Why should Egypt be able to say that You took them out with evil intentions, to kill them in the mountains and wipe them from the face of the…

Terumah Feb 11, 2016

The story is told that when the students of Rav Yisrael Salanter were preparing to bake matzah, they asked Rav Yisrael what they should be most…

Mishpatim Feb 5, 2016

"Sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me". This popular aphorism reflects the notion that it is physical harm to…

Yitro Jan 29, 2016

What kind of book is the Torah and who is it meant for? Rashi begins his commentary to the Torah, with the supposition that the…

Beshalach Jan 22, 2016

When Moshe and Aharon first approached the Jewish people in Egypt, “the people believed; they accepted that G-d remembered the Jewish people…

Bo Jan 15, 2016

The devar Torah is sponsored by Caron and Steven Gelles and Family in memory of their Grandparents Sylvia and Sam Gelles and Martha and Louis Silver…

Shemot Jan 1, 2016

I imagine most of us have experienced being in a noisy room focusing on the conversation we are engaged in, oblivious to the chatter around us -…

Vayechi Dec 25, 2015

“On that day Jacob blessed them saying by you shall bless [the people of] Israel saying, 'may G-d make you like Ephraim and Menashe (48:20).'”…

Vayeshev Dec 4, 2015

Why was it that Abraham and Yitzchak had only one child who would remain within the Jewish people while Yaakov merited that all his children would be…

Vayetze Nov 20, 2015

One could hardly find fault with the claim that sibling rivalry is the major theme of Sefer Breisheet. Beginning with the first set of brothers, Cain…