Speaker Profile Dr. Moshe Sokolow

Dr. Moshe Sokolow is Associate Dean and holds the Fanya Gottesfeld-Heller Chair of Jewish Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education, Yeshiva University. He teaches doctoral level courses on the history and philosophy of Jewish education and on curriculum development, and masters’ courses in the pedagogy of limmudei kodesh in general, and Tanakh in particular.
He is the author of חצי נחמה: Studies in the Weekly Parashah Based on the Lessons of Nehama Leibowitz (URIM, 2008); TANAKH: An Owner’s Manual (URIM, 2015); Reading the Rav: Exploring Religious Themes in the Writings of Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik (Kodesh, 2019); Writings on the Books of Samuel (929, 2019); and Pursuing Peshat: Tanakh, Parshanut, and Religious Education (Kodesh, forthcoming);TIMELY WORDS: Holiday Insights Throughout the Year” (Kodesh Press, 2022).
He is also the co-author with David Schnall of The Azrieli Papers (2 vols., 2011, 2013); with Ephraim Kanarfogel of Between Rashi and Maimonides: Themes in Medieval Jewish Thought, Literature and Exegesis (Yeshiva University, 2010); and with Haggai Ben Shammai and Miriam Frankel of Nehemiah Allony: The Jewish Library in the Middle Ages, Book Lists from the Cairo Genizah (Ben Zvi Institute, 2006)

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e-TiM: 5784 Pesach Learning Series 2024

Ariel Kelman, Dr. Moshe Sokolow, Dr. Rachel Kupferman, Rabba Dr Lindsey Taylor-Guthartz, Rabbi David Silber, Rabbi Jay Kelman, Rabbi Menachem Leibtag, Rabbi Moshe Shulman, Yoetzet Halacha Adina Blaustein