Speaker Profile Rabbi Sharon Shalom

Rabbi Sharon Shalom is serving as a Rav of one of the Tzohar "Open communities" in Kiryat Gat. Born in Ethiopia in 1973 he made aliyah to Israel in 1982 without his family. He studied and lived in a boarding school in Afula and in the Religious Technological High-School Yeshiva in Merkaz Shapira and was a madrich in Bnei Akiva. Rabbi Sharon is a graduate of Har Ezion Hesder Yeshiva in Alon Shvut. He served in the army as an officer in the infantry and later worked in the army educational system. He received his semicha from the chief rabbinate of Israel, has a Bed in Educational Counseling and an MA from Bar-Ilan University.

Rabbi Sharon currently works as a Rabbi in Merkaz Shapira Or Meofir special program for Ethiopian emigrant and delivers a course in Bar Ilan University about Halacha Minhag and Masoret in Ethiopian community.

Speaker's Resources

Nov 26, 2010