Speaker Profile Rabbi Barry Gelman

Rabbi Barry Gelman is Rabbi of United Orthodox Synagogues of Houston. With about 350 families, United Orthodox is the largest Orthodox Synagogue in the Southwest. Previously Rabbi Gelman served as Rabbi of Congregation Shaar Hashomayim in Montreal, Canada as well as Assistant Rabbi at Congregation Kehilath Jeshurun and the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale, both in New York. He is the founding Director of MeORoT - Modern Orthodox Rabbinic Training, and Torat Miriam, both fellowships for those interested in Jewish communal service. Rabbi Gelman has taught at the Drisha Institute as well as at RAMAZ, a modern orthodox High School in New York.

Rabbi Gelman received his bachelors and masters from Yeshiva University and Rabbinic Ordination from the Rabbi Isaac Elchonon Theological Seminary, an affiliate of Yeshiva University. His passions include Modern Orthodox thought, reading, Zionism and the New York Yankees.

Rabbi Gelman teaches numerous classes and chavurot on a wide variety of topics including: Jewish law, Jewish history and Jewish philosophy and thought. He is also heavily involved with the youth of the congregation providing educational as well as social programs for children of all ages.

Rabbi Gelman is very proud of the development of universal kashrut and Shabbat warming standards in his community in order to allow for maximum social interaction between community members. He is the Halachik authority for the Houston Community Mikvah and the eruv in the United Orthodox Synagogue neighborhood. Rabbi Gelman is member of the Board of Directors of the Rabbinic Cabinet of State of Israel Bonds. He also served on the Executive Committee of the Rabbinical Council of America.

Locally Rabbi Gelman is Past President of the Houston Rabbinical Association, a member of the Vaad of the Houston Kashrut Association and was previously a member of the Board of Directors of the Houston Jewish Federation.

Rabbi Gelman was invited to the White House in December 2005 where he delivered the annual Chanukah message to President Bush and the Jewish staff of the White House.

Rabbi Gelman is involved in the local Houston community efforts on behalf of Darfur and created the “Bring Gilad Home” Blue Ribbon Campaign on behalf of Gilad Shalit and Israel Soldier abducted by Palestinian Terrorists. He also spearheaded relief efforts for the Jewish and general community of New Orleans in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina.

Rabbi Gelman is married to Gabrielle and they have five children.

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