Please join us Thursdays at 8:30pm Eastern time for a shiur in Parshat Hashavua given each week by a different guest speaker.

Subscribe to the 'Parsha in Motion' Podcast. The recorded live class will be available in podcast form each week.

Upcoming shiurim

Aug 1            Matot-Massei Dr.Nechama Price 

Aug 8            Devarim Professor Yitzhak Berger

Aug 15          Va'etchanan Aviad Tabory 

Aug 22          Eikev Eric Grossman

Aug 29          Re'eh Devora Chait-Roth

Sept 5           Shoftim TBD

Sept 12         Ki Teze TBD

Sept 19         Ki Tavo TBD

Sept 26         Nitzavim/Vayelech TBD

Oct 3             Rosh Hashanah N/A

Oct 10           Haazinu TBD

Oct 17           Sukkot TBD

Oct 24           Vzot Habracha TBD

Past shiurim:

Oct 12            Beresheet Rabbi Elliot Schrier

Oct 19            Noach Rabbi Dr. David Harbater

Oct 26            Lech-Lecha Ruth Shane

Nov 2             Vayera Dr. Moshe Sokolow

Nov 9             Chayei Sara  Rabbi Shlomo Gemara

Nov 16           Toldot Sofia Freudenstein

Nov 23           Vayetze Ruth Shane

Nov 30           Vayishlach Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom

Dec 7             Vayeshev Rabbi Nathaniel Helfgot

Dec 14           Miketz/Chanukah Rabbi Dr. Benjamin J. Samuels

Dec 21           Vayigash Rabbi Judah Kerbel

Dec 28           Vayechi Rabbi Yaakov Taubes

Jan 4             Shemot Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz

Jan 11            Vaera Rabbi Yaakov Jaffe

Jan 18            Bo Rabbi David Nachbar

Jan 25            Beshalach Dr. Rivka Press Schwartz 

Feb 1             Yitro Rabbi Moshe Shulman

Feb 8              Mishpatim Dr. Aaron Koller 

Feb 15            Terumah Shayna Kravetz

Feb 22            Tezaveh Rabbi Mark Glass

Feb 29            Ki Tisa Becky Friedman

Mar 7              Vayakhel Rabbanit Leah Sarna

Mar 14            Pekudei Dr. Susan Hornstein

Mar 21            Vayikra Rabbi Jared Anstandig

Mar 28            Tzav Rabbanit Dr. Adena Berkowitz

Apr 4              Shmini Sarah Gordon

Apr 11            Tazria Rabbi Asher Finkelstein

Apr 18            Metzorah Rabbi Sam Berkovitz

Apr 25           Chol Hamoed Pesach Leora Orenshein

May 2            Achrei Mot Noah Notis

May 9            Kedoshim Rabbi David Fine

May 16          Emor Rabbi Josh Gutenberg

May 23          Behar Rabbi Moshe Shulman

May 30          Bechukotai Rabbi Jay Kelman

Jun 6             Bamidbar Yosef Lindell

Jun 14          Naso Rabbi Menachem Leibtag

Jun 20           Beha'alot'cha Rabbi Adam Mintz

Jun 27           Shlach Adina Blaustein

Jul 4              Korach  Rabbi Nataniel Helfgot

Jul 11            Chukat/Balak Rabbi Maury Kelman

Jul 18            Balak Rabbi Dr. Ezra Frazer

Jul 25            Pinchas Zissy Turner

Beresheet with Rabbi Elliot Schrier157.25 KBLech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 1150.81 KBLech-Lecha with Ruth Shane # 250.92 KBVayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow269.71 KBVayera with Dr. Moshe Sokolow533.53 KBToldot with Sofia Freudenstein183.72 KB Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 1205.26 KB Vayetze with Ruth Shane # 264.01 KBVayishlach with Rabbi Yitzchak Etshalom235.99 KBMiketz/Chanukah with Rabbi Dr. Benjamin Samuels749.05 KBVayigash with Rabbi Judah Kerbel818.25 KBVayechi: Eternal Kingdom with Rabbi Yaakov Taubes264.53 KBBo: The Foundations of Emunah, and the Value of Pidyon Shvuyim501.12 KBYitro: Rethinking the Mitzvah of Kibbud Av Va'Em509.46 KBMishpatim: The Hebrew Slave359.66 KBTerumah: Sanctuary, Tabernacle, Meeting Place519.75 KBTetzaveh: The Burden of Holy Clothing484.75 KBKi Tisa: The Other Ten Commandments345.82 KBVayakhel: The Cultivation of Talent846.53 KBPekudei: The End Explains the Beginning 344.58 KBShmini: The Story of Nadav and Avihu throughout Tanakh - Sarah Gordon1.16 MBTazria: Purity: Option or Obligation? - Rabbi Asher Finkelstein192.84 KBAcharei Mot: Acharei Mot and the Story of Meat and Blood - Rabbi Sam Berkovitz279.23 KBKedoshim : The Kedusha of Today’s Israel - Rabbi David Fine225.32 KBEmor : he Mysterious Mekallel Episode - Rabbi Josh Gutenberg163.86 KBBehar: Shmitta, Yovel, Revelation at Sinai, and the book of Vayikra! - Rabbi Moshe Shulman269.39 KBBamidbar - Nasso 5784 : Was the Sotah Meant to be Innocent? - Yosef Lindell (June 6)2.42 MBNaso 5784 : Why & Where Parshat Naso belongs in Sefer Vayikra - Rabbi Menachem Leibtag (June 14)610.84 KBShelach 5784 : Haftarah as Commentary: Revisiting Parshat Shelach in light of Joshua Chapter 2 - Adina Blaustein (June 27)264.44 KBBalak 5784 : What the Rest of Tanakh Teaches Us About Balaam and the Sin of Baal Peor - Rabbi Dr. Ezra Frazer (July 18)977.04 KBPinchas 5784: Religious Zealotry: Good, Bad or Ugly? - Zissy Turner (July 25)201.3 KB