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Shavuot: A New Torah

“Every day they [the mitzvot of the Torah] should be like new”. With the exception of Coca-Cola, we…

Naso: Confession

The Torah was given to us on at least two occasions. The first revelation, just weeks after the…

Bamidbar: Laying the Foundation

Sefer Bamidbar can be viewed as a book of missed opportunities. A small group of Jewish slaves—the …

Bechukotai: Toiling in Torah

“These are the things that one eats the fruit of in this world and the principal remains in the…

Behar: G-d and Man

We tend to categorize mitzvot as either mitzvot between man and G-d or mitzvot between man and man…

Emor: A Holiday Treat

“And when you reap the harvest of your land, you shall not reap all the way to the edges of your…

Kedoshim: Look at the Context

While facts do not lie, they often do not tell the whole truth. Facts are facts but facts still…

Acharei Mot: From Pesach to Yom Kippur

“And G-d spoke to Moshe after the death of the two children of Aharon when they came close before G…

Pesach: A Second Chance

Jewish life is all too often rather chaotic. Yet Pesach and Yom Kippur, the two central holidays of…

Pesach: What Should We Read

It is hard to argue that there is a more impactful and important rabbinic decree than that of kriat…

Pesach: Why Eat Matza

“Rabban Gamliel would say: Anyone who does not say these three things on Pesaḥ has not fulfilled…

Metzora: Time for a Haircut

Judaism teaches that everything has the potential for holiness; after all everything in this world…

Tazria: A Sin Offering?

There is no greater joy than having a child. From a religious perspective, bringing new life into…

Shemini: Seeking the Middle

“Moshe then inquired, darosh darash, about the goat of the sin offering, and it had been burned” (…

Tzav: The Best Reason

One of the major debates in Jewish thought relates to the appropriateness of ascribing reasons for…

Purim Thoughts: Far, Far Away

The decree has been promulgated and publicized through the empire. 127 provinces have received “…

Vayikra: Come on In

Jewish etiquette – and law – teach that one should not enter one’s own home, how much more so the…

Pekudei: Remember the Count

"These are the accounts, pekudei, of the tabernacle, the tabernacle of testimony, as…