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Vayakhel: Time to Meet

“Moshe gathered the entire congregation of Israel and said to them” (Shemot 35:1). It is extremely…

Ki Tissa: Time to Speak

Forty days after the most awesome event in history – G-d’s revelation to man - the Jewish people…

Tezaveh - Biblical Editing

  The central theme of Sefer Shemot is the formation of the Jewish people as a nation. The group of…

Terumah - Soaring to the Heavens

Symbols play an important part in helping to define who we are. Our clothing, for example, is often…

Mishpatim: The Thief and the Robber

"Rabban Yocḥanan ben Zakkai’s students asked him: ‘For what reason was the Torah stricter with a …

Yitro: Who was at Sinai

What kind of book is the Torah and who is it meant for? Rashi begins his commentary to the Torah…

Beshalach: Great Expectations

Throughout the Exodus story, the Jewish people are silent. We do not know what they were thinking…

Vaeira: Yes Thank You

That man sins is part and parcel of being human. It is the basis of the most special day of the…

Shemot: No Thank You

“And Moshe was frightened and he said, behold the incident is known. And Pharaoh heard…

Vayechi: Joining the Covenant

  The opening 11 chapters of Sefer Breisheet can be read as explaining why there was a need for a…

Vayigash: A Test of Leadership

It is clear already from the sale of Yosef, that Yehuda had leadership potential. It was he who…

Mikketz: Royal Politics

Yosef was a most charismatic person. He was young, attractive and as the Torah tells us on three…

Vayeishev: Yosef and Greece

The annual Torah reading cycle has us reading the story of Yosef during Chanukah[1]. While in most…

Vayishlach: He Was Afraid

“And Jacob was very frightened and distressed” (Breisheet 32:8). After some 22 years Yaakov Avinu…

VaYetze: Worse than Pharoah?

“Go out and learn what Lavan the Aramean sought to do to Yaakov, our father; Pharaoh only decreed […

Toldot: Out in the Field

Our Sages were no respecters of persons. When they felt a wrong was committed, they called it out…

Chayei Sarah: A Blessed Life

Yitzchak brought [Rivka] into mother Sarah's tent and he married Rivka. She became his wife, and he…

Vayera: Avraham's Torah

Rabbinic tradition maintains that the Torah existed even before the creation of the world, in…