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Lech Lecha: A Faithful Journey

The Torah provides very little biographical information. Rather, it highlights significant events…

Noach: Unity and Uniformity

“And the entire land were of one language, and the same things” (Breisheet 11:1). What a beautiful…

Breisheet: From Beginning to End

A history book, a law book[1], a book of theology, editorial comments, a book of philosophy, a…

Vzot Habracha: The Ends of the Chumash

If one wants to get a quick overview of a book one tends to read the introduction or perhaps the…

Sukkot: The First Sin

“And you shall take for yourselves on the first day, the fruit of the hadar tree, date palm fronds…

Reflections on Daf Yomi Turning 100

Rosh Hashanah marked 100 years of Daf Yomi. I have seen surprisingly little written about this…

Yom Kippur: Sinning Under Duress

“For the sin we sinned before You, b’ones u’beratzon, under duress and willingly. So begins the…

Haazinu: Calling G-d's Name

“Haazinu Hashamayim vadebera, vatishma haaretz imrei pi, Give ear, O heavens, let me speak; Let the…

Rosh Hashanah: Come Together

“Ubechen, Please G-d instill pachdecha, terror upon all Your works and eimatecha, Your dread upon…

Nitzavim: Water and Wood

"You are standing this day all of you before the Lord your God: your heads, your tribes, your…

Ki-Tavo: The Joy of Gratitude

Why does misfortune befall the Jewish people? While there is no simple answer – or perhaps no…

Ki-Teze: Helping our Enemies

One of the beautiful aspects of our Torah is the fact that it deals with real-life issues, and with…

Some Thoughts on Becoming Grandparents

The thoughts below are dedicated in celebration of the birth of our granddaughter, Tikva Razel. May…

Shoftim: The High Court

Long before Lord Acton, the Torah well understood that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts…

Re'eh: A Giving Hand


Eikev: Time for Awe

One of the primary goals of the Torah is the inducement of fear of heaven. “Now what does Hashem,…

Tu B'Av: Time to Dance

Our holidays form natural units, as none truly stand alone. The 49 days of the omer link Pesach to…

Va'etchanan: from Egypt to Israel

“Moses summoned all the Israelites and said to them: Hear, O Israel, the laws and rules that I…