Why does misfortune befall the Jewish people? While there is no simple answer – or perhaps no…
Ki-Teze: Helping our Enemies
One of the beautiful aspects of our Torah is the fact that it deals with real-life issues, and with…
Some Thoughts on Becoming Grandparents
The thoughts below are dedicated in celebration of the birth of our granddaughter, Tikva Razel. May…
Shoftim: The High Court
Long before Lord Acton, the Torah well understood that power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts…
Re'eh: A Giving Hand
Eikev: Time for Awe
One of the primary goals of the Torah is the inducement of fear of heaven. “Now what does Hashem,…
Tu B'Av: Time to Dance
Our holidays form natural units, as none truly stand alone. The 49 days of the omer link Pesach to…
Va'etchanan: from Egypt to Israel
“Moses summoned all the Israelites and said to them: Hear, O Israel, the laws and rules that I…
Tisha B'Av: Before the Law
“Rav Yochanan said: Jerusalem was destroyed only because they followed the laws of the Torah” (Bava…
Devarim: A Man of Words
“Moshe said to the Lord, "I beseech You, O Lord. Lo ish devarim anochi, I am not a man of words,…
Mattot: The Land of Our People
“And a lot of livestock did the children of the Reuven and Gad have and they saw the Ya’azer, and…
Pinchas: A Leader for All
While it is undoubtedly true that people get the leaders they deserve, it is also true that great…
Chukat: Miriam the First
“And the Jewish people, the entire congregation, came to Midbar Zin in the first month, and…
Korach: Give Me a Friend or Give Me Death
“Im Bryiah Yivrah, But if the Lord creates a creation, and the earth opens its mouth, patzta et…
Shelach Lecha: The Limits of Miracles
One of the most fascinating features of the Torah is the mixing of law and narrative. Nowhere is…
Reflections on a Graduation
Mid-June on the North American calendar is graduation season. In the Jewish community, hundreds,…
Beha'alotcha: The Challenge of Leadership
One can reasonably argue that the primary theme of sefer Bamidbar is that of leadership. How much…
Naso: Seeing is Not Believing
It is amazing how two people can look at the exact same thing and yet see things very differently.…