"And they said, should they make our sister like a harlot?" (Breisheet 34:31). So ends round one of…

Vayigash: Seeing the Good
One of the tests of the character of a person is seeing how they react to adversity. Do they try to…

Mikeitz: Food and Famine
One of the central motifs of the biblical narrative is food. Matzah, manna, mei merivah…

Chanukah: The Menorah of the Exile
Ask any child – or adult for that matter – how we celebrate Chanukah and chances are beyond pretty…

Vayeshev: Brotherly Love
Brotherly love is something that appears to be missing throughout Sefer Breisheet. Starting with…

Vayishlach: Missing Motives
“The messengers returned to Yaakov with the report: We came to your brother Eisav and he is also…

Vayetze: The Place of Prayer
“And Yaakov left Be'er Sheva and headed towards Charan (Breisheet 28:10).” Yaakov is sixty-three,…

Toldot: Truth or Consequences
Our Torah is a Torah of truth. As a description of G-d, with each mitzvah representing a different…

Chayei Sarah: Mr. Anonymous
Man has an innate desire to make a name for himself. The fear of being forgotten is a fear that…

Lech Lecha: Family Feud
“G-d said to Avram, go away from your county, your birthplace and your father’s home, to the land…

Noach: Too Close to G-d?
Noach was, in the words of the Bible, “righteous and pure”. Twice in the space of few verses…

Breisheet: Purposeful Ambiguity
"G-d said: What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood is screaming to Me from the ground…

Simchat Hatorah: Moving in Circles
Holidays are a most opportune time to instill in our children the values and character traits that…

Shabbat Chol HaMoed: a Matter of Context
When studying literature we must study not only its content, but also its form. This is especially…

Haazinu: The Straight Path
“The deeds of the Mighty One are perfect, for all his ways are just. He is a faithful judge; never…

Sukkot: Time to Teach
Holidays are a most opportune time to instill in our children the values and character traits that…

Yom Kippur: a Marriage Made in Heaven
“How majestic was the kohen gadol as he left the Holy of Holies in peace, without injury…like the…