One of the major debates in Jewish thought relates to the appropriateness of ascribing reasons for the mitzvoth of the Torah. One approach asserts…

Tzav: City of Peace
“Do not eat any blood…any person who eats blood shall have his soul cut off from his people” (Vayikra 7:26-27). The prohibition against eating blood…

Tzav: Sacrifices and the Spoken Word
If one were to survey 100 Jews and ask them their least favourite book of Torah it is likely that the vast majority of them would say sefer…

Tzav: The Place of Sin
"This is the law of the sin offering, chatat: at the place where the elevation offering, olah, is slaughtered shall the sin offering be…

Tzav: Time to Change?
Excitement and consistency: We tend to view these terms as contradictory. Man gets excited over discovering new things and views variety as the spice…

Tzav: Happy Thanksgiving
Marketing can make or break a product. Get it right and you are on your way to becoming wealthy. Make a mistake and, irrespective of the actual…

Tzav: It's All in the Heart
Our tradition seems to have a somewhat ambivalent view regarding sacrifices. The Torah devotes many chapters to describing—in great detail…

Tzav: Please Take Out the Garbage
One of the ideological revolutions of the Zionist movement was the notion of the inherent value of physical labour. Jews traditionally like to think…