Korach | Torah In Motion

Articles Korach

Korach: A Beautiful Tallit

Tzizit and Mezuzah are two of the most popular and easy to fulfil mitzvot. Thankfully, even Jews who are very far removed from…

Korach: Give Me a Friend or Give Me Death

“Im Bryiah Yivrah, But if the Lord creates a creation, and the earth opens its mouth, patzta et piha, and swallows them and all that is theirs,…

Korach: Power Outage

The lust for power can destroy a person. It is amazing how people who are otherwise very competent are blinded to reality when the smell of power is…

Korach: Don't Blame Me

What does it take to convince somebody that they are wrong? Humans have an unbelievable ability to ignore the obvious as they cling to discredited…

Korach: When Silence is Not Golden

It is most difficult to solve a problem if the protagonists will not meet with each other and hear each other out. While there is no guarantee that…

Korach: No Unity Without Diversity

It is in times of crisis that effective leadership is most important—and the years spent wandering in the desert represented the first major…

Korach: Holy and More Holy

The Torah was "edited" with great precision. Narrative and law are often intertwined; one sheds light on the other. While our tradition…

Korach: Choose Wisely

This week's d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of my father Rabbi Joseph Kelman z"l whose yahrzeit is this week. May his memory be…

Korach: Some Are More Holy Than Others

The survival of the Jewish people in the desert was a direct result and only possible because of Divine intervention: the splitting of the sea; water…

Korach: Honour the Enemy

The name Korach is synonymous with Machloket shelo leshem shamoyim, arguments that are not for the sake of heaven. As we read how Korach and his…