Whether exploring a new twist on a favorite topic, debating a taboo subject, or learning Jewish history on our heritage tours, Torah in Motion constantly seeks to expand the horizon of Jewish thought.
Ki Tavo Sep 12, 2014

With less than two weeks until Rosh Hashanah, the theme of teshuva begins to take centre stage. While the cycle of Torah reading--and for…

Re'eh Sep 7, 2014

Showing extra sensitivity to the needs of the poor, the widow, orphan, servant, and stranger is a central theme of the Torah. This is especially so…

Ki Teitzei Sep 5, 2014

What is the role of a Rabbi? When this question was asked to Rabbi Yechiel Michel Epstein, author of the monumental code of law the Aruch…

Ki Teitzei Sep 4, 2014

For the religion that first brought the message of ethical monotheism to the world, Judaism sure does its best to have us lead much of our daily…

Shoftim Aug 29, 2014

"Tzedek tzedek tirdof, justice, justice you shall pursue in order that you may live and inherit the land that the Lord your G-d is giving you…

Eikev Aug 15, 2014

“And they placed upon them taskmasters lema’an anoto, in order to afflict them in their burdens” (Shemot 1:11). This inuei, affliction is the first…

Va'etchanan Aug 10, 2014

Jews of faith, when faced with imminent death, have departed this world with the words of the shma on their lips. Perhaps the most famous example of…

Devarim Aug 1, 2014

Sefer Devarim is the book of preparation to enter the land of Israel. Moshe Rabbeinu was to be denied the opportunity to lead - or even join - the…

Mattot Jul 18, 2014

Promises, promises. We are used to hearing them being broken, especially when they are made by our political leaders. Parshat Mattot begins by…

Balak Jul 4, 2014

Perhaps no greater question has vexed the Jewish people as that of our relationship with the nations of the world. Should it be one of integration?…

Behar May 9, 2014

The Torah was edited with great precision. This is the idea behind the notion that "there is no chronological order to the Torah". Items…

Emor May 2, 2014

Being a kohen today is not what it used to be. While one may receive more aliyot and lead birchat hamazon on a regular basis, a kohen is…

Kedoshim Apr 25, 2014

One of the features of the scientific world is classification of different species into their various groupings and subgroupings. The Torah itself…

Yom Kippur Acharei Mot Apr 11, 2014

It is quite rare to read parshat Acharei Mot on Shabbat Hagadol. In non-leap years, it is generally parshat Tzav that is read on Shabbat Hagadol. And…

Shemini Mar 21, 2014

In Jewish law, it is the middle that is most important. We surround the sefer Torah with gabbaim on either side, and ideally we place the…

Pekudei Mar 1, 2014

“Reish Lakish said: It was well known beforehand to Him at whose word the world came into being that Haman would one day pay shekels for the…

Terumah Jan 31, 2014

Immediately after the Divine revelation at Sinai, the Torah in Parshat Mishpatim presents a long list of mitzvoth, highlighting the link between…

Mishpatim Jan 24, 2014

"Do not be a follower of the majority for bad, do not respond to a grievance by yielding to the majority to pervert [justice]" (Shemot 23:2…

Yitro Jan 17, 2014

"And Yitro, the priest of Midian, the father-in-law of Moshe, heard all that G-d did for Moshe and to Israel his people, that G-d had taken the…

Beshalach Jan 10, 2014

This week's devar Torah is dedicated in honour of the upcoming wedding of Miriam Libman and Ephraim Leiderman. May they merit to build a…

Bo Jan 3, 2014

This d’var Torah is sponsored by Claire and Howard Glowinsky l'ilui nishmas Chanah bas Rachel a”H, their dear aunt who passed away…

Shemot Dec 20, 2013

"And he saw an Egyptian man hitting a Hebrew of his brothers" (2:11). To the slave in Egypt, being beaten up by our tormentors was the norm…

Vayigash Dec 6, 2013

"And Joseph could not restrain himself" (45:1). After 22 years, Joseph and his brothers were to be reunited. In probably the most emotional…

Vayeshev Nov 22, 2013

One of the messages I try to hammer home to my students is that everything in the Torah can be understood as editorial comments on current events.…