As I noted in my last post I had the honour of speaking at the Beit Yehudah synagogue in Budapest last shabbat. Below is a summary of…
Balak: Reality Check
In a world in which image and marketing play such a crucial role, perception is often more important than reality. In fact, perception often creates…
Balak: Missed Opportunities
What a waste of talent. “No other prophet like Moses has arisen in Israel who knew G-d face to face” (Devarim 34:10). Our Sages, in…
Balak: Fearless Leadership
Bilaam, the heathen prophet, recognized that the strength of the Jewish people was in their high level of modesty. “How goodly are your tents,…
Balak: Animal Rights, Human Wrongs
"The pre-eminence of man over beast is non-existent, for all is vain" (Shacharit). Man has unfortunately proven the truth of this statement over and…
Balak: The Lion King
It is for good reason that the lion is the king of the jungle. Powerful, courageous, fearless, and ferocious, lions sit at the top of the food…
Balak: Dwelling Amongst the Nations
Perhaps no greater question has vexed the Jewish people as that of our relationship with the nations of the world. Should it be one of integration?…
Balak: Religious Wars
This week's d'var Torah is sponsored by Golda Brown in honour of the yahrzeit of her son, Moshe Chanoch Brown…