There is no greater joy than having a child. From a religious perspective, bringing new life into this world is the most tangible way of…

Tazria: Less Money, More Time
There is no aspect of our life that is beyond the purview of Torah. People need its rules and regulations in every area, to keep their natural…

Tazria: The Cycles of Life
During Jewish leap years, Parshat HaChodesh, the special maftir portion we read on the Shabbat before Rosh Chodesh Nissan, generally…

Tazria: Back to the Beginning
Perhaps there is no parsha less studied than Tazria (and its frequent partner, Metzora). With its focus on the detailed laws of …

Tazria and Hachodesh: Home Building
The first of Nissan and the first of Tishrei mark the beginnings of the Jewish year. The solar aspect of our calendar—representing the fixed…