Eruvin Jun 18, 2013

In Talmudic times, it was common for one to wear tefillin all day long. As the Torah does not limit its observance in any way, there would seem to be…

Eruvin Jun 12, 2013

As more and more of our economy runs on credit, as we increasingly pay for purchases with debit cards or even smartphones, the necessity—or…

Eruvin Jun 10, 2013

For thousands of years, a meal was defined by the eating of bread. Not only as did bread serve as an appetizer, the main course itself was consumed…

Korach Jun 7, 2013

The survival of the Jewish people in the desert was a direct result and only possible because of Divine intervention: the splitting of the sea; water…

Eruvin Jun 6, 2013

I dedicate the thought below to the memory of my mother, Rachel bat Chaim (Ruth Kelman) z”l, whose yahrzeit we observe today. May we celebrate…

Eruvin Jun 3, 2013

The concept behind an eiruv is that the people making it join together as one large household. Each household contributes some food, which is put in…

Shelach Lecha May 31, 2013

Sefer Bamidbar describes not only the physical locale of the Jewish people, but their spiritual state. Wandering in the desert, they could not be…

Eruvin May 29, 2013

One of the key components of the legal discussions of the Talmud is the bringing of proof texts to support a given position. At times, the proof…

Eruvin May 27, 2013

One of the methods used to help people remember those whom they meet is the mnemonic device of associating the person with some easy-to-remember…

Behaalotecha May 24, 2013

"It was in the second year, on the 20th day of the second month, that the cloud [of glory] rose from the Tabernacle of Testimony" (Bamidbar 10:…

Eruvin May 22, 2013

The teacher/student relationship is a most special one.  A teacher must treat his student as he would treat his own child, and a child must…

Eruvin May 20, 2013

To tell someone that his words are those of prophecy would seem to be the highest compliment one can give. The prerequisites for being a prophet are…

Shavuot May 14, 2013

The holiday of Shavuot is, outside of the observant Jewish community, a much-neglected holiday. It lasts only one day (two in the Diaspora), comes…

Shavuot May 14, 2013

The holiday of Shavuot is, outside of the observant Jewish community, a much-neglected holiday. It lasts only one day (two in the Diaspora), comes…

Eruvin May 13, 2013

The mitzva of Talmud Torah consists of both learning Torah, and knowing Torah. And of the two, it is the former that is more important. One can…

Eruvin May 12, 2013

As is well known, our tradition places great importance on proper speech. While we generally view this as a moral imperative -- avoiding unnecessary…

Yom Yerushalayim May 9, 2013

"There are ten [levels of] holiness; the land of Israel is holier than all other countries, and what is its holiness? That we bring from it the omer …

Eruvin May 6, 2013

While the basis of Jewish law (and much more) is to be found in the Talmud, the Talmud, in and of itself, is not a very good text for determining…

Bechukotai May 3, 2013

“These are the commandments that G-d has commanded Moshe to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai (Vayikra 27:34).” Though it is the Book…

Eruvin May 3, 2013

One of the educational goals of the Sages--especially as the exile wore on--was was to instill a belief in the coming of the Mashiach. …

Eruvin May 1, 2013

We have often discussed the terrible tragedy of poverty. Without changing that perspective, there does appear to be at least somewhat of a…

Eruvin Apr 29, 2013

Poverty is a terrible curse, one that has been the unfortunate lot of many Jews over the years. While we are blessed to live in the wealthiest…

Eruvin Apr 26, 2013

The Daf Yomi thought is dedicated by the family of Dr. Solomon Burack, ob"m in observance of his Yahrzeit.  May his memory be for…

Eruvin Apr 24, 2013

Both an eiruv techumim, which allows one to walk an additional 2,000 cubits (approximately 1 kilometre) outside of the city limits, and an…

Eruvin Apr 21, 2013

At times, what seems like a very technical debate on some (even no longer relevant) aspect of Jewish law is, in reality, part of much larger and more…

Eruvin Apr 21, 2013

The Talmud as a whole, and especially the Mishna, is first and foremost a vast corpus of Jewish law. Yet in studying this wide-ranging text, one…

Kedoshim Apr 19, 2013

One of the most powerful ways to express hatred is to refuse to speak to someone, or to just plain ignore that person. We Jews are very good at…

Yom Ha'atzmaut Apr 15, 2013

This d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the participants in Chidon HaTanach, the 50th International Bible Contest taking place on Yom Ha'atzmaut…

Yom Ha'atzmaut Apr 15, 2013

This d'var Torah is dedicated in honour of the participants in Chidon HaTanach, the 50th International Bible Contest taking place on Yom Ha'atzmaut…

Eruvin Apr 10, 2013

It is hard to imagine one more dedicated to Torah than Rabbi Akiva. Despite the fact that he did not start learning until the age of forty (or more…

Eruvin Apr 7, 2013

"G-d wanted to give merit to the Jewish people; therefore, He increased for them Torah and mitzvoth". A Jewish way of life offers so many…

Shemini Apr 5, 2013

"And it was on the eighth day" (Vayikra 9:1). While this verse is the beginning of a new parsha, the Torah clearly links it to the…

Eruvin Apr 5, 2013

"Rav Yirmiya ben Elazar said, there are three entrances to Gehenom: one in the desert, one in the sea, and one in Jerusalem" (Eiruvin 19a…

Eruvin Mar 31, 2013

"Four obligations were nullified in a [military] camp" (Eiruvin 17a). The Torah goes to great lengths to ensure that the Jewish army…

Eruvin Mar 29, 2013

It is well known that the halacha, with rare exceptions, follows the opinion of Beit Hillel over that of Beit Shammai. What is less well known…

Eruvin Mar 28, 2013

"When I [Rav Meir] came to Rabbi Yishmael, he said to me, 'My son, what is your occupation?' I told him, 'I am a scribe', and he…

Eruvin Mar 25, 2013

Traditionally, Jewish law allowed for a good deal of local autonomy in the application of Jewish law. While questions of national import were to be…

Pesach Mar 24, 2013

Adam and Eve, Noach and his anonymous wife, Abraham and Sarah (and Hagar), Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and his multiple wives, Moshe and Tziporah, all…

Pesach Mar 24, 2013

Adam and Eve, Noach and his anonymous wife, Abraham and Sarah (and Hagar), Yitzchak and Rivka, Yaakov and his multiple wives, Moshe and Tziporah, all…

Eruvin Mar 21, 2013

The halachic system, like most other disciplines, has both a theoretical framework and a practical application--and the two do not always coincide.…

Eruvin Mar 20, 2013

It is impossible, at least from a Jewish perspective, to understand the Bible without the tools to interpret the text.  It is this "reading…

Eruvin Mar 15, 2013

"A pot with two cooks is neither hot nor cold" (Eruvin 3a). This popular folk saying is used by the Talmud to explain Rava of Parzkiah'…

Eruvin Mar 14, 2013

Judaism has long recognized that we need both private and public space. Man is both an individual and a member of a community. At times, the…

Shabbat Mar 12, 2013

Masechet Shabbat deals primarily with the 39 forbidden activities on Shabbat--especially that of carrying. Yet, as is the norm for Talmudic…

Shabbat Mar 10, 2013

Since at least the time of the Rambam, Jews have yearned for the coming of the Mashiach. Many Jews went to their deaths asserting the twelfth…

Shabbat Mar 7, 2013

"Rav Helbo said: The wine of Perugitha and the water of Diomsith cut off the Ten Tribes from Israel" (Shabbat 147b). As Rashi explains,…

Shabbat Mar 6, 2013

The next time your mother tells you to eat your vegetables, you might try explaining to her that you are just following the advice of Rav Hisda, the…

Shabbat Mar 3, 2013

When one studies Talmud, it is easy to forget that Sages quoted on the same page may actually have lived hundreds of years and hundreds of miles…

Shabbat Mar 3, 2013

While we are unable to discern G-d's ways--and it behooves us to not even try--Talmudic rabbis were not so reticent in ascribing reasons for…

Mar 1, 2013

Once again, the issue of day school tuition is in the news. The Leo Baeck Day School (North Campus) has announced plans for grants up to $5,000 per…