Chayei Sarah Nov 18, 2011

This week's dvar torah is being sponsored by Nolene and David Maresky and family in memory of  Rina and Shim Maresky, and Jack Epstein z"l.…

Nov 11, 2011

Torah in Motion supporters met Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at the beautiful home of Anna and Leslie Dan in Toronto. Please see additional…

Nov 9, 2011

Tragically, natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is relatively familiar: pictures of destruction and death, with pale-…

Nov 2, 2011

Portugal, Greece, Italy. Who might be next? As Europe and the world fret over the possible collapse of the euro, finance ministers, economists and…

Nov 1, 2011

One must be ‘thankful’ when the news coming out of Israel is the high price of cottage cheese.  As is so often the case it is a relatively minor…

Shemini Atzeret Oct 21, 2011

The 14th-century legal code, the Arba Turim, the Four Rows, begins the laws of Sukkot by noting that when one sits in a sukkah, one must be cognizant…

Shemini Atzeret Oct 21, 2011

The 14th-century legal code, the Arba Turim, the Four Rows, begins the laws of Sukkot by noting that when one sits in a sukkah, one must be cognizant…

Sukkot Oct 13, 2011

The history of our nation is linked with Pesach. Many of our mitzvoth—mezuzah, tefillin, Shabbat, honest weights, the prohibition of charging…

Sukkot Oct 13, 2011

The history of our nation is linked with Pesach. Many of our mitzvoth—mezuzah, tefillin, Shabbat, honest weights, the prohibition of charging…

Yom Kippur Oct 8, 2011

“Seek out G-d when He can be found, call upon Him when He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Our Sages interpret this verse as referring to the Aseret Yemei…

Yom Kippur Oct 8, 2011

“Seek out G-d when He can be found, call upon Him when He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Our Sages interpret this verse as referring to the Aseret Yemei…

Oct 8, 2011

The saintly sage Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan (the Chafetz Chaim, 1838-1933) once commented that every technological innovation carries within it a moral…

Oct 5, 2011

  Dear Sir,    Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the upcoming High Holidays. You want to know why it is that people who…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 29, 2011

This d’var Torah is sponsored with the wish for a Shana Tova for our parents, Howie & Hilda Libman, Leon & Ethel Bookman, our Rabbi Jay,…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 29, 2011

This d’var Torah is sponsored with the wish for a Shana Tova for our parents, Howie & Hilda Libman, Leon & Ethel Bookman, our Rabbi Jay,…

Sep 25, 2011

Education, Mark Twain once quipped, consists mainly in what we have unlearned. For a great many Jews today, shul is a kind of ponderous opera, taking…

Sep 21, 2011

The philosopher Thomas Molnar states that at present, religion is accepted and even flourishes, but only as a kind of "psychic weekend from too much…

Sep 21, 2011

Rosh Hashanah, Day of Judgment, Book of Life and Death, flocks of sheep passing before the Creator. But the kids are saying, "Do we really have to go…

Sep 15, 2011

Our lives do not follow a straight line. They turn and then turn again. This re-turn (known in Jewish tradition as teshuvah, also translated as…

Sep 15, 2011

The stock market hates uncertainty. This helps explain the wild gyrations of the markets, unable to “decide” whether we are headed for a double-dip…

Sep 10, 2011

A legal brief and a good story are two very different forms of writing. We have even coined a term, legalese, to note the distinct writing style…

Sep 8, 2011

node (blog) - Macto saepius decet voco decet. Esse plaga secundum. Abluo pneum dolus utrum duis qui. Jugis olim scisco. Tincidunt usitas verto…

Sep 8, 2011

node (blog) - Acsi probo nimis conventio letalis vulpes nisl conventio. Iustum odio hos esse damnum. Duis ad enim quia suscipere molior vindico plaga…

Sep 1, 2011

One must be “thankful” when the news coming out of Israel is the high price of cottage cheese.  As is so often the case, it is a relatively…

Re'eh Aug 27, 2011

This week's d'var Torah is sponsored by Al G. Brown and family in honour of the wedding of Anna-Rachel Brown Krakowsky to Marshall Haber, which will…

Devarim Aug 6, 2011

Location, location, location are the central pillars of real estate. The same can be said for Jews throughout history. One's location often…

Aug 1, 2011

As we have often noted economic decisions reflect moral choices. As the world economy slowly recovers from near catastrophe another potential…

Aug 1, 2011

As we have often noted, economic decisions reflect moral choices. As the world economy slowly recovers from near-catastrophe, another potential…

Massei Jul 30, 2011

“And these are the journeys of the people of Israel” (33:1). The Torah lists over 40 stops along the long and winding route the…

Jul 21, 2011

The sight of the CEO's of GM, Ford and Chrysler asking the Untied States Congress for 25 Billion dollars in aid as they flew to Washington on their…

Jun 20, 2011

Regardless of their personal piety (or lack thereof), Jewish law affirms that an almost superhuman level of respect be shown to our parents. What is…

Jun 16, 2011

The kashrut industry is about more than just food. In an industry where sales reach in the billions of dollars many of the largest food companies…

Jun 1, 2011

Regardless of their personal piety or lack thereof Jewish law affirms that an almost super human level of respect be shown to our parents. What is…

Jun 1, 2011

In its current form the day school system is unsustainable. With tuition increases consistently at between two and three times the rate of inflation…

May 24, 2011

In its current form, the day school system is unsustainable. With tuition increases consistently at between two and three times the rate of inflation…

May 24, 2011

In its current form, the day school system is unsustainable. With tuition increases consistently at between two and three times the rate of inflation…

Pesach May 10, 2011

“It happened that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon were reclining in B’nei Brak…

Pesach May 10, 2011

“It happened that Rabbi Eliezer, Rabbi Yehoshua, Rabbi Elazar ben Azariah, Rabbi Akiva and Rabbi Tarfon were reclining in B’nei Brak…

Kedoshim Apr 30, 2011

The line between greatness and failure is so small as to be unrecognizable, often revealing itself only after many years. This is true in the world…

Pesach Apr 23, 2011

It is hard to imagine a more impactful ritual than that of our weekly Torah reading. While its origins date to Moshe Rabbeinu—acting in his capacity…

Metzora Apr 11, 2011

Our Rabbis saw a link between the spiritual sin of lashon hara, slander and gossip, and the physical disease of tzara'at. At the…

Apr 1, 2011

In watching the leadership debate I was struck and almost regardless of the question or issue being discussed Prime Minister Harper would talk about…

Mar 29, 2011

Technological advances are rapidly changing the nature of almost all that we do. Many of the careers our children will pursue have yet to be invented…

Mar 1, 2011

Technological advances are rapidly changing the nature of almost all that we do. Many of the careers our children will pursue have yet to be invented…

Feb 28, 2011

In an almost unbelievable application of the verse, “Love your neighbour as yourself”, our Sages teach that one must give a convicted killer a “…

Vayakhel Feb 26, 2011

The primacy of Shabbat as the foundation stone of Judaism is self-evident. Shabbat is the culmination of the creation process; two distinct reasons…

Ki Tisa Feb 11, 2011

We have all been taught that it is the holiday of Shavuot that commemorates the giving of the Torah at Sinai. Interestingly, nowhere is this…

Jan 31, 2011

It is rare indeed to look to professional athletes for moral guidance. We learned long ago that the extraordinary talents they possess are manifest…

Mishpatim Jan 29, 2011

Knowing the right people is, more often than not, the key to success in the modern world. We in North America refer to “connections”, but in Israel…

Beshalach Jan 15, 2011

Our long sojourn in Egypt was meant to develop those character traits necessary to transform the Jewish people into G-d's special nation. We were…