Yoma Dec 29, 2013

There is nothing more challenging and important, for a parent and for a community, than raising children. There is no formula for producing…

Dec 24, 2013

It’s always important to remind ourselves to be thankful for those things we take for granted—like having electricity. As many of you…

Yoma Dec 23, 2013

"And [we remember] these for degradation: those of Beit Garmu didnot want to teach on the matter of the lechem hapanim; those of Beit…

Yoma Dec 22, 2013

One of the central features of the Yom Kippur service was that involving the two goats: one offered as a sacrifice whose blood was sprinkled on…

Shemot Dec 20, 2013

"And he saw an Egyptian man hitting a Hebrew of his brothers" (2:11). To the slave in Egypt, being beaten up by our tormentors was the norm…

Yoma Dec 20, 2013

The kohen gadol performed vidui, confession, three times on Yom Kippur. The first two were done using his own personal bull offering,…

Yoma Dec 18, 2013

One of the most difficult things for we humans to do is to admit that we are wrong. Even when we know we have acted in ways that leave much to be…

Dec 15, 2013

Between the time of my writing my last article on making Jewish high school free and its appearance in the paper, I was thrilled to see the…

Dec 15, 2013

Between the time of my writing my last article on making Jewish high school free and its appearance in the paper, I was thrilled to see the…

Dec 14, 2013

Dr. Marc Shapiro will be scholar in residence at Kehillat Shaarei Torah (KST) on Shabbat, December 14. KST, 2640 Bayview Ave., Toronto. Watch this…

Yoma Dec 11, 2013

"The Holy One blessed be He looked into Torah and created the world" (Breisheet Rabba 1:2). Our Sages viewed the Torah as the architectural…

Dec 7, 2013

Rabbi Moshe Taragin will be scholar in residence at Or Chaim Minyan on the Shabbat of December 7, 2013. Yeshivat Or Chaim, 159 Almore Ave., Toronto.…

Vayigash Dec 6, 2013

"And Joseph could not restrain himself" (45:1). After 22 years, Joseph and his brothers were to be reunited. In probably the most emotional…

Yoma Dec 3, 2013

One of the fundamental teachings of Judaism is that nothing is inherently good or bad--it all depends on how it is used. Even the evil inclination…

Yoma Dec 2, 2013

The kohen gadol had a hard day of work on Yom Kippur. The avodah, the special Yom Kippur Temple service, was intricate and difficult, and…

Chanukah Nov 29, 2013

On the surface, it is difficult to understand why we celebrate Chanukah, a festival commemorating the rededication of the Temple and Jewish…

Chanukah Nov 29, 2013

On the surface, it is difficult to understand why we celebrate Chanukah, a festival commemorating the rededication of the Temple and Jewish…

Chanukah Nov 28, 2013

Chanukah is a most popular holiday, even amongst “secular” Jews. For those living in Israel, the vastly outnumbered Maccabees defeating…

Chanukah Nov 28, 2013

Chanukah is a most popular holiday, even amongst “secular” Jews. For those living in Israel, the vastly outnumbered Maccabees defeating…

Nov 27, 2013

The recently released Pew report on American Jewry has generated anguished discussion on the future of American Jewry. Some of its key findings…

Nov 27, 2013

The recently released Pew report on American Jewry has generated anguished discussion on the future of American Jewry. Some of its key findings…

Yoma Nov 27, 2013

Sometimes the choices we make turn out to be better than we could have imagined in our wildest dreams. The baseball player drafted in the 11th round…

Yoma Nov 25, 2013

“And he shall atone for himself and for his household” (Vayikra 16:6). The Rabbis derive from this verse that the kohen gadol, in order…

Yoma Nov 25, 2013

The opening Mishnah of Yoma teaches that a backup kohen gadol was to be prepared lest the kohen gadol become tameh,…

Nov 23, 2013

Rabbi Dr. Yehudah Mirsky will be a scholar in residence at the Or Chaim Minyan on Shabbat of November 23, 2013. Yeshivat Or Chaim, 159 Almore…

Vayeshev Nov 22, 2013

One of the messages I try to hammer home to my students is that everything in the Torah can be understood as editorial comments on current events.…

Yoma Nov 22, 2013

“And you shall write them on the doorposts of your house” (Devarim 6:9). The mitzvah of mezuzah is a most beloved and popular one—…

Yoma Nov 19, 2013

Although it is mashechet Gittin (55b-57b) that records the stories relating to the destruction of the Temple[1], the famous Talmudic passage stating…

Yoma Nov 18, 2013

About twenty-five years ago, a series of studies[1] found that upwards of 50% of elite athletes would take a drug that would guarantee overwhelming…

Yoma Nov 15, 2013

"Abba Chanan said, in the name of Rav Elazar: One verse says, 'make for you an ark of acacia wood' and one verse says and 'they (not…

Yoma Nov 11, 2013

Seder Moed, the order of Mishnah dealing with our festivals, begins with Shabbat and includes such tractates as Pesachim, Rosh Hashanah, Sukkah and…

Pesachim Nov 10, 2013

Mashechet Pesachim details the events of the busiest day of the year, beginning with the search for chametz the night before the seder, the…

Pesachim Nov 6, 2013

With the destruction of the Temple, the focus of the seder menu shifted from the eating of the korban pesach to the eating of matza. The importance…

Toldot Nov 1, 2013

"Vayigdal Haish, and the man grew up and grew more and more, until he became very big" (Breisheet 26:13). At first glance, this is…

Pesachim Nov 1, 2013

Great poetry resonates across generations and even cultures, with all finding different layers of meaning that speak to them. Yet at the same time,…

Pesachim Oct 29, 2013

The Netziv, in his commentary on Chumash, explains that the first verse of the priestly blessing "May G-d guard you and protect you"…

Chayei Sarah Oct 25, 2013

“And Yitzchak brought her to the tent of his mother; and he took Rivka, and she was for him a wife, and he loved her; and Yitzchak was consoled…

Pesachim Oct 24, 2013

In our last Daf Yomi Thought we spoke of the three people whom G-d loves. However, there are those whose actions are such that G-d actually hates…

Pesachim Oct 22, 2013

G-d's greatest gift to man is that He created us in His image. As heretical as it sounds, man and G-d are, in effect, opposite sides of the…

Vayeira Oct 18, 2013

It is a truism that two people can look at the same thing, yet see something quite different. One person might see a beautiful piece of art, whereas…

Pesachim Oct 18, 2013

Our Sages have long recognized that the desires for money, honour, and sexual gratification are most powerful. Avoiding sin in these areas, something…

Pesachim Oct 16, 2013

Today's  daf is sponsored by Arthur Little in observance of the Yahrzeit of his father, Areyeh Ben Avraham Yitzhak z"l,…

Pesachim Oct 15, 2013

Perhaps the major social issue facing the Orthodox community today is defining the proper role for women within the observant community. While the…

Pesachim Oct 13, 2013

The Talmud is the written record of the Oral Law. With the destruction of the Temple and subsequent exile of the Jewish people, it was no longer…

Pesachim Oct 10, 2013

One of the basic ways we express gratitude is simply to say thank you. One way in which observant Jews do such is by reciting abracha before…

Oct 9, 2013

The highly successful MaTaN Mother and Daughter Bat Mitzvah Program will restart on October 9, for a ten-week series of text-based classes and…

Pesachim Oct 6, 2013

Considering the myriad of opinions on almost every aspect of Jewish law, it is not surprising that many pious Jews would try to act in a way that…

Noach Oct 4, 2013

"In the midst of the day, b'etzem, Noach came, and Cham and Yefet, the children of Noach, and the wife of Noach, and three wives of his…

Pesachim Oct 4, 2013

Jewish law is most strict when it comes to accepting charity. "Make your Shabbat like a weekday"--eating less quantitatively and…

Pesachim Sep 29, 2013

One of the unusual laws regarding the korban pesach is that it can only be eaten leminuyav, by those who were specifically intended to…