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Niddah 31: The Joy of Being Jewish

Death, as we have often noted, is the primary source of tumah, impurity, with a corpse classified…

Chayei Sarah: Growing Old, Staying Young

"And Sarah lived one hundred years, twenty years and seven years; these are the years of Sarah…

Niddah 2: Shammai and Hillel

It is hard to imagine more influential institutions of Jewish learning than those of Beit Hillel…

VaYera: Moving Out of Town

One of the fundamental issues of debate amongst observant Jews regards the degree of openness with…

Niddah: Blood and Water

“And you shall live by them” (Vayikra 18:5). The mitzvot of the Torah are meant to…

Lech Lecha: In Defence of Terach

Our rabbis famously debate the righteousness of Noach. Was he a tzadik only relative to the corrupt…

Masechet Kelim: Time for New Dishes

Seder Taharot opens with masechet Kelim, vessels, which at 30 chapters and 254 mishnayot is far and…

Noach: Defending Noach

For years, psychologists have debated the impact of the environment (nurture) on the development of…

An Introduction to Seder Taharot

Jewish law is generally divided into three distinct areas: issur v’heter, ritual law;…

Breisheet: Sin and Sinning

Shmini Atzeret: Election Day

Tomorrow is Shmini Atzeret. It is also Election Day in Canada. While that is no doubt unfortunate…

V'zot HaBracha: From G-d to Man

When writing a book, a good author will introduce the major themes of the book in the opening…

An Introduction to Masechet Tamid

“The one sheep you shall do in the morning and the second sheep you shall do in the evening…

Shabbat Chol Hamoed: Opposites Attract

Sukkot is a holiday full of contradictions. At the time we celebrate our harvest, we are bidden to…

Yom Kippur: The Day After

“It was on the next day…” (Shemot 18:13). Apparently, something of significance had happened on the…

Yom Kippur: A Great Day!

Our society worships greatness. Whether it be athletes, rock stars, actors or successful business…

Aseret Yemi Teshuva: I Confess

Integral to the teshuva process is the act of vidui, confession. One can intellectually know…

Vayelech: Poetic Licence

"Now, write for yourselves this song and teach it to the Israelites, so that this song will be…