Behaalotecha Jun 8, 2012

Like many a great leader, Moshe—the greatest of all leaders—had difficulty delegating authority. Knowing you can do the job better than…

Jun 4, 2012

As summer approaches, day school parents will soon be getting notifications regarding tuition fees for next year. Undoubtedly, fees will—as…

Jun 4, 2012

As summer approaches, day school parents will soon be getting notifications regarding tuition fees for next year. Undoubtedly, fees will—as…

Jun 3, 2012

During shul this past week, I was reading the notes of the Hertz Chumash, as I often do. This likely puts me in small company as the Hertz Chumash…

Jun 2, 2012

Jewish Music Week in Toronto: From Bible to Broadway will be taking place from June 3 to June 10, with concerts taking place all over the Greater…

Emor May 11, 2012

Of all possible wrongdoings, only one does not allow for the possibility of teshuva, repentance. Causing a chilul Hashem, a desecration of G-d's…

May 8, 2012

Rarely has an op-ed piece ( generated as much discussion as Greg Smith’…

May 6, 2012

Mark Steyn put it quite simply in America Alone: “Experts talk about root causes. But demography is the most basic root of all.” Prognostications…

Kedoshim May 4, 2012

Our tradition asserts that there are 613 mitzvoth in the Torah. Among these 613 are such beautiful concepts as proper treatment of the stranger and…

Apr 30, 2012

In his groundbreaking book, The Heretical Imperative, Professor Peter Berger argued that modernity—and its emphasis on freedom of choice—has…

Apr 29, 2012

Sin gets bad press these days, because it is experienced as a guest that brings a whole slew of unwelcome associates into the house--guilt, bad…

Yom Ha'atzmaut Apr 26, 2012

“When G-d brought back those who returned to Zion, we were like dreamers” (Psalms 126). Who would have believed that after 1,900 years—and a mere…

Yom Ha'atzmaut Apr 26, 2012

“When G-d brought back those who returned to Zion, we were like dreamers” (Psalms 126). Who would have believed that after 1,900 years—and a mere…

Shemini Apr 20, 2012

The deaths of Nadav and Avihu have long troubled biblical commentaries. The multiple suggestions put forth demonstrate that—objectively…

Apr 15, 2012

Despite the passage of 100 years, the sinking of the Titanic holds a special fascination. In fact, the only time I’ve gone out to the theatres to see…

Pesach Apr 5, 2012

"And the more one engages in the recounting the story of the Exodus, the more praiseworthy it is". To prove this point, the Haggadah recounts the…

Pesach Apr 3, 2012

Like so many children, Pesach was my favourite holiday. Some of my fondest memories revolve around the seder. As an adult, not much has changed…

Pesach Apr 3, 2012

Like so many children, Pesach was my favourite holiday. Some of my fondest memories revolve around the seder. As an adult, not much has changed…

Vayakhel Mar 16, 2012

The Netziv, in his introduction to Sefer Shemot, notes that there is Gaonic tradition that refers to Shemot as chumash sheni, the second chumash.…

Purim Mar 9, 2012

“And Haman said to King Achashverosh: There is a certain nation scattered and divided amongst the nations” (3:8). Haman was well aware of the…

Purim Mar 9, 2012

“And Haman said to King Achashverosh: There is a certain nation scattered and divided amongst the nations” (3:8). Haman was well aware of the…

Mar 2, 2012

“Remember what Amalek did to not forget.” Such memory is more than a biblical command, it is a historical reality. While the Torah may have…

Terumah Feb 24, 2012

One of the fiercest debates amongst medieval biblical commentaries was the extent to which parts of the Torah might be allegorical. The Ramban (…

Mishpatim Feb 17, 2012

While there are various themes that run throughout Sefer Shemot, that of slavery is perhaps the central one. This notion is presented, with differing…

Feb 16, 2012

Gil TroyThe demonizing of Israel, dismissing the democratic Jewish state as a right-wing, religious, racist project, continues. The latest…

Feb 9, 2012

The Torah in Motion Program with Charles Taylor and Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks will air on TVOntario this Sunday at 5 pm.Topic: The Future…

Feb 7, 2012

Monday morning at 1:30AM here in Israel, I joined over one hundred million of my fellow earth dwellers to watch Superbowl XLVI. When halftime rolled…

Feb 2, 2012

Mogel, W. (2010) The Blessing of a B Minus: Using Jewish Teachings to Raise Resilient Teenagers. Scribner – A division of Simon & Schuster, New…

Bo Jan 27, 2012

In his opening comment on the Bible, Rashi links the Creation story to that of the Exodus. Working on the assumption that the Torah is primarily a…

Jan 16, 2012

The mention of Nortel Networks makes many a Canadian cringe. Once the darling of the tech world and the most heavily weighted stock in the Toronto…

Dec 23, 2011

This week's d’var Torah is dedicated in honour of Ira and Rona Kellman, for organizing a family reunion of 305 members of the greater Kelman family…

Dec 16, 2011

Our Sages attach the appellation Tzadik, righteous one, to Yosef, presumably because of his ability to withstand the sexual advances of Potiphar’s…

Dec 3, 2011

“And Jacob was a pure man, dwelling in the tents” (25:27). Like his father before him, Yaakov had little interest in the wider world surrounding him…

Chayei Sarah Nov 18, 2011

This week's dvar torah is being sponsored by Nolene and David Maresky and family in memory of  Rina and Shim Maresky, and Jack Epstein z"l.…

Nov 11, 2011

Torah in Motion supporters met Chief Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks at the beautiful home of Anna and Leslie Dan in Toronto. Please see additional…

Nov 9, 2011

Tragically, natural disasters are a relatively common occurrence. The scene is relatively familiar: pictures of destruction and death, with pale-…

Nov 2, 2011

Portugal, Greece, Italy. Who might be next? As Europe and the world fret over the possible collapse of the euro, finance ministers, economists and…

Shemini Atzeret Oct 21, 2011

The 14th-century legal code, the Arba Turim, the Four Rows, begins the laws of Sukkot by noting that when one sits in a sukkah, one must be cognizant…

Shemini Atzeret Oct 21, 2011

The 14th-century legal code, the Arba Turim, the Four Rows, begins the laws of Sukkot by noting that when one sits in a sukkah, one must be cognizant…

Sukkot Oct 13, 2011

The history of our nation is linked with Pesach. Many of our mitzvoth—mezuzah, tefillin, Shabbat, honest weights, the prohibition of charging…

Sukkot Oct 13, 2011

The history of our nation is linked with Pesach. Many of our mitzvoth—mezuzah, tefillin, Shabbat, honest weights, the prohibition of charging…

Yom Kippur Oct 8, 2011

“Seek out G-d when He can be found, call upon Him when He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Our Sages interpret this verse as referring to the Aseret Yemei…

Yom Kippur Oct 8, 2011

“Seek out G-d when He can be found, call upon Him when He is near” (Isaiah 55:6). Our Sages interpret this verse as referring to the Aseret Yemei…

Oct 8, 2011

The saintly sage Rav Yisrael Meir Kagan (the Chafetz Chaim, 1838-1933) once commented that every technological innovation carries within it a moral…

Oct 5, 2011

  Dear Sir,    Thank you for your recent inquiry regarding the upcoming High Holidays. You want to know why it is that people who…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 29, 2011

This d’var Torah is sponsored with the wish for a Shana Tova for our parents, Howie & Hilda Libman, Leon & Ethel Bookman, our Rabbi Jay,…

Rosh Hashanah Sep 29, 2011

This d’var Torah is sponsored with the wish for a Shana Tova for our parents, Howie & Hilda Libman, Leon & Ethel Bookman, our Rabbi Jay,…

Sep 25, 2011

Education, Mark Twain once quipped, consists mainly in what we have unlearned. For a great many Jews today, shul is a kind of ponderous opera, taking…

Sep 21, 2011

The philosopher Thomas Molnar states that at present, religion is accepted and even flourishes, but only as a kind of "psychic weekend from too much…

Sep 21, 2011

Rosh Hashanah, Day of Judgment, Book of Life and Death, flocks of sheep passing before the Creator. But the kids are saying, "Do we really have to go…