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Sanhedrin 24: Down with Bavel!

We are all products of—and greatly influenced by—our environments, which is why our…

Re'eh: A Special Place

The land of Israel is a special, holy land and thus, all produce grown on it has properties of…

Sanhedrin 22: A Beautiful Font

Malcolm Gladwell, in his best-selling book Outliers, delineates how much of one's success…

Sanhedrin 21: What is the Reason?

I have long thought that far and away the best introduction to and overview of Judaism is the …

Sanhedrin 19: Cemetery Etiquette

One of the areas of law that even otherwise non-observant Jews tend to observe are those relating…

Sanhedrin 17: Where Should We Live?

Marshall McLuhan, the insightful Canadian philosopher, noted that with the rapid advances in…

Sanhedrin 15: The Ox and I

Perhaps the fundamental difference between the Written Law and the Oral Law is that the former is…

Sanhedrin 14: I Want a Real Rabbi

One of the fiercest debates in medieval Jewish history was engendered by the attempt to reinstate…

Sanhedrin 11: Humble Pie

It is in times of crisis that strong leadership is most needed. And up to that point in Jewish…

Sanhedrin 11: Please Don't Embarrass Me

When things go well all are ready to take credit, even if they had little or no role to play in the…

VaEtchanan: The People and Moshe

“At that time I pleaded with G-d, saying, ‘O G-d, Lord…please let me cross the…

Sanhedrin 11: An Extra Long Summer

Up until this point in Masechet Sanhedrin, we have been discussing the role of the court in…

Sanhedrin 8: We Want Justice

Moshe Rabbeinu was about to die. Like many before him, he wanted to bless his “children…

Devarim: Heading Home

The narrative portion of the Torah has come to an end. The last book of the Chumash, that…

Sanhedrin 7: The Wisdom of the Simple Man

“Rabbi Chaninah says: I learned much from my teachers, and from my colleagues more than my…

Sanhedrin 6: Truth or Peace?

“Thus said the Lord of hosts: The fast of the fourth [month] (17 Tammuz ), and the fast…

Sanhedrin 5: Professional Courtesy

How much would you be willing to sacrifice for the honour of another? Some money, a little bit of…

Sanhedrin 4: Please Read it Out Loud

“Rav Yochanan said: The Holy One, blessed be He, established the covenant with the Jewish…