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Bava Batra 22: Talmudic Competition

Malcolm Gladwell, in his book Outliers, posits that it takes 10,000 hours of practice for people to…

Terumah: Returning Home

The prayer for the welfare of the State of Israel recited in many of our congregations assumes that…

Bava Batra 21: The Talmudic Tuition Plan

It is unlikely that Yehoshua ben Gamla would make very many listings of the five or even ten most…

Bava Batra 29: Ode to Rashi

It is hard to imagine what the Jewish world would be like without Rashi. Well, maybe not so hard.…

Bava Batra 14: Make it Beautiful

Every once in a while one comes across a Talmudic story that makes one shake one’s head in…

Yitro: I Love My In-Laws

“Moses went to greet his father-in-law, bowing down low and kissing him” (Shemot 18:7…

Bava Batra 13: Splitting Up

  The opening Mishna of Bava Batra teaches that in the interest of privacy, one neighbour…

heart bursting

Bava Batra 13: Splitting Up

The opening Mishna of Bava Batra teaches that in the interest of privacy, one neighbour can force…

Bava Batra 10: Put it in Writing

Visiting Yeshiva Chachmei Lublin as Torah in Motion “Journeyed through Jewish History…

Bava Batra 9: Please Sir, May I Have Some More?

The Ramah in his glosses to the Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh Deah 249:1) rules that the mitzva of tzedakah…

Bava Batra 8: Come On In

“We force him [the resident of a courtyard] to contribute to the building of the guard’…

Bo: Egyptian Appreciation

The land of Egypt and the people of Egypt had undergone tremendous hardship and suffering.  Their…

Bava Batra 4: Good Fences

The opening pages of Bava Batra discuss how neighbours can force one another to build a fence…

Bava Batra 3: Time for a New Shul

“Rav Chisda said: One may not destroy a beit knesset until another one is built” (Bava…

Vaera: When the Going Gets Tough

The story of the slavery and subsequent redemption of the Jewish people focuses almost entirely on…

Bava Batra 2: Mind Your Own Business

There is a beautiful custom to recite “ma tovu, how goodly are your tents Jacob and your…

An Introduction to Bava Batra

The three Bavas - Kamma, Metzia and Batra - are the bread and butter of Talmudic learning. If I,…

Bava Metzia 107: A Good Neighbour

“Reish Lakish said: Whomever has a beit knesset in his city and he does not enter it, he…