Sanhedrin | Torah In Motion

Articles Sanhedrin

Sanhedrin 98: Not Worrying About Mashiach

The Torah talks very little – actually, not at all (at least explicitly)– about the coming of the Mashiach, the Messianic Era, or the…

Sanhedrin 97: It's Almost Over

One of the philosophical debates between the Greeks and Jews concerned the eternity of the world. The Greeks believed that the world has existed from…

Sanhedrin 97: Nothing But the Truth

“Stay far away from a lie” (Shemot 23:7). Unlike the other mitzvot in the Torah where we are just told not to do something, when it comes…

Sanhedrin 91: The Greek Court

The Jewish people have long been accused of being robbers and thieves. The importance of countering this accusation was so crucial that it…

Sanhedrin 90: What's In Your Mind?

The last chapter of masechet Sanhedrin is like no other in the Talmud. Almost devoid of legal discussion, it contains some 23 double-sided pages of…

Sanhedrin 88: Let's Have a Debate

“Every argument that is for [the sake of] heaven's name is destined to endure. And if it is not for [the sake of] heaven's name,…

Sanhedrin 76: No Time to Waste

“Do not profane your daughter and make her a harlot” (Vayikra 19:28). One has to wonder exactly whom the Torah is addressing. What kind…

Sanhedrin 74: Lechaim!

“The entire house of Israel is commanded to sanctify the Name” (Laws of the Fundamentals of Torah, 5:1). The language is striking,…

Sanhedrin 72: I Love My Money

“And you shall love the Lord your G-d with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your possessions” (Devarim 6:5). Clearly, if…

Sanhedrin 71: It Works in Theory

Fundamental to Jewish theology is the belief that both the Written Law and the Oral Law were given by G-d at Sinai. While the finite Written Law, i.e…

Sanhedrin 46: I'm Not Mad at You

Man finds it difficult to admit wrongdoing. Doing so creates cognitive dissonance. Being that we are basically good people – there are few who…

Sanhedrin 45: Take off Your Clothes!

In an amazing teshuva, Rav Yaakov Ettlinger (Binyan Tzion #172-173), basing himself on the story of Tamar and Yehuda, rules that one must give up one…

Sanhedrin 44: I Didn't Do It!

In recent years, as more forensic tools have become available, we have been able to free many people who languished for years in prison before their…

Sanhedrin 43: Confess and Die

The fact that the Bible allows – perhaps at times even encourages – the death penalty for violating its most serious transgressions is…

Sanhedrin 40:Where Were You on Monday at 3:00pm?

"They would cross-examine him with seven questions: in which year of the jubilee, in which year of the shmitta cycle, in which month,…

Sanhedrin 37: The World Was Created for Me

There is nothing more precious than human life. As we discussed in our last post, it is due to the crucial importance of one individual life that man…

Sanhedrin 37: 1+1=Eternity

One of the most famous and beautiful teachings of Judaism is, “whoever preserves one life, it is as if he has preserved an entire world…

Sanhedrin 37: Back to School

With thousands going back to school today (myself included), parents, teachers and students are looking forward (well, maybe not all are looking…