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Shevuot 29: A Flying Camel

Shevuot 15: For the Sake of Heaven

Vayechi: Excellence in Exile

"And Jacob lived in the land of Egypt seventeen years, and the years of his life were one…

Vayigash: Painful Reunion

Etiquette and diplomatic niceties are the hallmarks of the world of politics. Political leaders are…

Shevuot 13: Need I Repent!

Rebbe Yehuda Hanasi said:…One should be as careful with a light mitzvah as with a heavy…

Mikeitz: In G-d We Trust

How unfortunate when man must put his fate in the hands of other men.

Chanukah: Looking Backward and Forward

The holiday of Chanukah is a most beloved one. Lighting the candles is the only mitzvah that has,…

Shevuot 9: When G-d Sins!

One of the beautiful things about learning Daf Yomi is seeing the enormously wide range of rabbinic…

Vayeshev: Sibling Rivalry

The Talmud records that one who has no dreams for a period of seven days is called a wicked person…

Shevuot 2: Counting Goats!

“New moons You have given to Your people, a time of atonement for all your generations.…

An Introduction to Masechet Shevuot

The story is told that when the Vilna Gaon was a little boy, he wanted to learn masechet …

Makkot 24: A Heart of Gold!

“A song to David; G-d, who will live in Your tent, who shall dwell on your holy mountain? He…

Makkot 24: 11+6+3+1= 613!

“’And now let Me go, so that I may destroy them and make you a great nation’ (…

Makkot 23: It's Great To Do Nothing!

Almost by definition, news—at least most of it—is of the less-positive variety, often…

VaYetze: G-d is Against Me

The experiences of history have made our people a nervous lot. Whatever nervousness is warranted as…

Makkot 22: Please Stand Up!

Makkot 12: It's Not My Fault

The Torah takes justice very seriously: “An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a…

Makkot 5: Don't Quote Me

When I first started learning Gemara – and as we prepared for tests – we were told not…